Radio show in the air of “Dzveli Kalaki” – Ozurgeti GAC

On what phase of activity is Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council, which are the projects, that will be implemented for different public groups of ozurgeti Municipality in new 2016 budget, long-term strategy for women support, where Ozurgeti GAC has a hope of local self-governmenr, successes, future plans, challenges – these issues were discussed in radio story, aired in radio “Dzveli Kalaki”.
The story also responds to the network meeting of the GACs, organized by the fund 
“Sukhumi”. It was highly appreciated by invited experts – guests, local government representatives, as the view of local government was created and recommendations were elaborated for new state action plan of protecting women from domestic violence, which will be signed in nearest future. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:19

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