Radio story in the air of “Dzveli Kalaki” – senaki GAC

What was revealed as a result of research, conducted by Senaki GAC and what is planned for advocacy of identified needs, how do the GAC members evaluate creation of network and what are their expectations on the background of coordination and cooperation, integrity of which issues are in the aims of future budget and what challenges rae noticed by the GAC members.
Opinions of Senaki GAC members regarding these issues were announced in the radio story of “Dzveli Kalaki”.
“the GACs always tried to exchange information, we are glad that the network will give more possibilities for this”, “in the previous year, part of our recommendations were envisaged by Sakrebulo. We have a hope that in this year it will be implemented with great success”, “GAC made more than it was expected. Gender is not so strange for the society. Now we have more experience and resources, so we will continue the work successfully”.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:19

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