Research: “Women's participation in Geneva Peaceful Talks: problems, achievements and prospects”

Research: “Women's participation in Geneva Peaceful Talks: problems, achievements and prospects” under the project: “Strengthening of women’s voices in the process of conflict transformation” was finished.
-Formation of public opinion regarding necessity of attracting more women in the process of peaceful regulation of conflict on national level and raising of civil society awareness, that women participation can have important role in building long-term peace.
In the process of research there were involved: public sector, representatives of state structures, who are connected with the issues of regulating the conflict. 8 respondents were inquired on a whole by the method of focus-group and 10 respondents in the form of in-depth interview.
Results of the research are gathered in one document.
The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA


Last modified on Thursday, 14 June 2018 04:16

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