Research (9)

Research is the process of studying the situation in prior directions of the Fund "Sukhumi", conducted by various methods of questionnaires and surveys on peacemaking, the problem of violence, gender equality, etc. As a result of the research, recommendations and conclusions are developed and in most cases these materials are published.

The fund “Sukhumi” published a book “Level of women security in Western Georgia” (printed version in Georgian and el-version in English and Russian).
This is a result of joined project ”Women define the level of human security for building confidence and stable peace” of the fund “Sukhumi (Kutaisi) and Association of Women of Abkhazia (Sukhumi). These women organizations applied the technique of Israel and Palestinian women, adapting it to the specific conditions, together developed a method of determining the level of human security and conducted surveys among women in their communities.
It is an attempt - to expand the boundaries of traditionally accepted understanding of the term "security" go in depths of the feelings and anxiety of women, who face daily threats of personal security.
The views and opinions reflected in the study are a reminder of the needs and threats that deserve respective attention and solution.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Research: “Women's participation in Geneva Peaceful Talks: problems, achievements and prospects” under the project: “Strengthening of women’s voices in the process of conflict transformation” was finished.
-Formation of public opinion regarding necessity of attracting more women in the process of peaceful regulation of conflict on national level and raising of civil society awareness, that women participation can have important role in building long-term peace.
In the process of research there were involved: public sector, representatives of state structures, who are connected with the issues of regulating the conflict. 8 respondents were inquired on a whole by the method of focus-group and 10 respondents in the form of in-depth interview.
Results of the research are gathered in one document.
The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA


In May 8-25 the members of Senaki GAC were involved in evaluation of local gender needs. They conducted 4 focus-groups, 4 in-depth interviews and 200 people were inquired. Total amount of participants was 244 people including socially unprotected women and IDP women, youth, women in a small business, women-leaders, representatives of media, NGOs and intelligence.
Experts in economics, education and culture, local self-governemnt, social care and healthcare representatives participated in in-depth interviews.
On the basis of presented reports and transcripts fund “Sukhumi“ will prepare analysis of research and elaborated recommendations jointly with the GAC for submission to local government for 2016 budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In April-May 2016 together with Gender Advisory Councils of Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti, fund “Sukhumi” conducted a research of gender needs of local civil groups. The research revealed vivid needs of IDPs, socially unprotected people, single mothers and mothers of many children, women entrepreneurs, youth and representatives of ethnical minorities.

Suggestions, elaborated as a result of work with target groups by the specialists of the field and the experts, will be envisaged by the GACs, in order to submit package of recommendations to the local government. Experience of the previous years shows, that this process will promote to formation of local budget with gender parameters.

Kutaisi     Ozurgeti     Senaki

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

The first stage of the multicomponent research conducted within the framework of the project “Learning from Visegrad 4 Experience to Advocate for Equal, Inclusive and Democratic Local Governance” has been completed. Four experts from Georgia were involved in the research (the project is aimed at advocating for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance based on the best practices of the Europe countries).

Experts have submitted drafts of their themes. These are four independent themes relating different aspects of gender policy. After the completion of the research, there will be developed a policy strategy focused on the implementation of local governance reform and gender mainstreaming, which will be published and offered to society.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund 

4 focus-groups, 4 in-depth interviews, 200 inquires – these methods were used for questioning 241 people and these are the results of Kutaisi GAC in research of local gender needs.
Target groups and directions were defined: education, economics and infrastructure, local self-government, women’s rights – in-depth interview were made with the experts of these spheres.
Students, media, NGOs, people with disabilities – method of focus-group was used for their needs research.
After research women-IDPs were inquired, young IDPs, ethnical minorities, socially unprotected people.
As a result of research, GAC members presented relevant reports and transcripts. The recommendations will be elaborated, which will be submitted to Kutaisi Sakrebulo, in order to more obviously reflect gender needs in 2016 city budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The aim of gender aspect analysis of the municipal budget, is the definition and presentation of the existing social problems and how social justice and gender equality are satisfied at the local level, how is ensured the availability of existing resources for all groups of society.

In the presented reports there is given the investigation / analysis of the municipal budget and local gender policies of Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti municipalities, envisaging gender parameters. 

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Kutaisi  Ozurgeti  Senaki


The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

 In September 2016Khoni WSC of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted a research in the IDP communities, which revealed social needs of the IDPs residing there. The list of the issues is following: opening ambulance in the settlement, adding the group of nursery kids in the kindergartens, communal subsidies, co-financing of medicines, opening of day centers for disables children, establishing the programs of social assistance for the elderly and etc.

The research was a share of the organization in elaboration of Khoni social inclusion strategy.

(Czech non-commercial organization PIN “People in need” - the project -«Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" - funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic).

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

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