Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.



On April 25, the first meeting of the Gender Equality Council was held in the Sakrebulo meeting hall, the creation of which was preceded by the active three-year work of the Gender Advisory Council of the fund “Sukhumi”, which operated under the Sakrebulo until August 2016.

The Senaki Municipality is the first in Samegrelo region, in Sakrebulo structure of which the Gender Equality Council has already been established, according to the amendment to the Law on Gender Equality and Local Government.

Chairman of Sakrebulo - Jumber Lashkarava, who at the same time is chairman of the Council of Gender Equality, familiarized the meeting members on the final list of the council, which included the deputy chairman and chairmen of the Sakrebulo commissions, deputies, representatives of Gamgeoba, local NGOs. It was noted that in addition to the main structure of the council, other representatives of the local government and civil society can take part in the meetings, having submitted a request for participation in advance.

It should be noted that members of Senaki Club of Voter Women were members of the council. The fund “Sukhumi”, as one of the leading and experienced NGOs in the issues of gender equality, is ready to advise and help the Gender Equality Council to achieve tangible results.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


The first meeting in frames of Senaki Gender Advisory Council "Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki municipality" was held today in the hall of Sakrebulo. The meeting was organized for representatives of Gamgebeli and majoritarian MPs of fourteen territorial units of Senaki municipality. The event was also attended by the chairman of Sakrebulo Jumber Lashkarava.

Chairman of the GAC Nana Alania familiarized the participants with the project goals and objectives, as well as the statement of Gender initiative groups which will be  established in rural communities. Within the project, these groups will have special workshops on the topic of gender and domestic violence, which will help to raise awareness of the rural population.

Majoritarian MPs and representatives of Gamgebeli expressed their willingness to join the project and contribute to enhancing the role of women and youth in the processes of prevention of domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
On November 2 in Hague - Netherlands there was held the seventeenth International Conference of WAVE network (Women in Europe against violence towards the women) - "The total strength of women to stop the violence!"
The network consists of 92 members - women organizations and networks from all over Europe. The conference was attended by representatives of organizations from 50 countries, including Georgia, which was presented by the Fund "Sukhumi".
The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Dubravka Simonovic touched the causes and consequences of violence against women, as well as international mechanisms for the protection of women, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Istanbul Convention.
There were presented short presentations on the work of some organizations, after which there were discussions, workshops, and recommendations were given.
The second part of the conference was devoted to the general meeting of the network. Network presented financial reports online, there were board elections for the next two years, as well as the awarding of prizes named Corinne Safe - a remarkable woman, feminist and researcher on violence against women and gender.


Information and advisory service of the fund “Sukhumi” has developed an annual plan for 2018 and a concept of work that includes: legal advice and counseling, meetings with a conflictologist, information meetings with young people, working with couples, representatives of crisis families and violence victims.

In January, the psychologist held individual consultations. Three sessions were held with one beneficiary. In the second case, the problem is diagnosed.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The three-year collaboration with the Gender Advisory Council (GAC) has been fruitful and results-oriented - this assessment was made on the part of the Ozurgeti local government at the conference, which was held on July 21 to summarize the results of Ozurgeti GAC.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Guria, a local self-government, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi and Senaki GACs, municipalities of Guria (Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri) and Adzharia (Shuakhevi, Khulo, Keda, Khelvachauri, Kobuleti).

The main focus at the conference was made on the change made to the law on gender equality to create gender councils in municipalities. It was the main objective of the project. The results of the GACs, established in frames of pilot project will be exemplary for other municipalities.

With the assistance of Fund "Sukhumi" and local self-government, GAC of Ozurgeti has 8 projects. The meeting presented an analysis of the results obtained in the framework of projects.

On the part of local government there were highlighted a research of local gender needs and development of recommendations as a reference document for the local government and the local plan for the gender policy.

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The projectof the fund “Sukhumi” funded by Czech NGO “IndependentSocial-economical movement” “Nesehnuti”, was finished. Summarizing round table was very interesting, attended by representatives of “Kutaisi Kindergarten Unity”, managers of kindergartens, teachers and members of Sakrebulo, GAC the Club of Voter Women.
The attendants were given information regarding project activities: informational meetings in kindergartens, meetings with, meetings with parliament member – GubazSanikidze and the Mayor – Shota Murgulia, radio and TV programs. They were familiarized with gender policy elaborated by Gender Advisory Council. There were suggestions and recommendations addressing local self-government.
According to participants, each recommendation, which will be envisaged in the next year budget, will be a step forward.
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»



During the ordinary eighth meeting of the advisors, council of Khoni, the participants summarized implemented activities and discussed future plans. It was noted that introduction of new services will be noticeably promote to social inclusion of vulnerable groups.

Representatives of local self-government expressed readiness to continue cooperation with local civil organizations and at the same time to promote to sustainability of services. For this reason the budget of the next year will envisage concrete funds.

The meeting also touched the issue of advocacy. There was discussed the reform, planned by the ministry of IDPs and related issues. The council members supported the idea that consultations with beneficiaries, local government, state structures, local and international organizations are necessary before the reform to maximally direct reform to improvement of IDPs lives.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN


During ordinary meeting of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) presented small reports regarding the research, conducted with different target groups. Local gender needs and recommendation of different social groups – answers to these wuestions will be known after analysis of research results.

During a meeting members of the GAC heard information regarding a training conducted in frames of current project. With the aim of familiarizing with the work of GAC, the meeting was attended by the students, involved in the project.

According the schedule, at the end of the meeting members of the GAC fixed the ideas for new project, the work on which will be continued in the initiative group.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In frames of the project of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) in Kutaisi University there was held conference of students on: “Different social segments in gender prism – student’s approaches, effective mechanisms of problem solution.”

In their reports the students made stress on gender discrimination, existing in different directions: quote system, pension age, imbalance Georgian politics. The conference was attended by representatives of local government, members of the GAC, lectures of the university.

The conference was continued by discussion. By the opinion of participants, interest of students in gender issues is very important. The issues that are important for our society should be a priority for the youth.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
The ordinary meeting of Senaki Gender Advisory Council was devoted to preparation of gender needs’ evaluation. The evaluation is planned in May. The representative of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted special work-shop regarding methods and techniques of the research.
During the discussion target groups, time-line were defined. Also there were the issues, connected with implementation of the project carried out by Senaki GAC in Senaki kindergartens.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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