Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

Since the new year, the monitoring group of the Fund “Sukhumi” has resumed its work, which monitors the implementation of the Georgian law on the elimination of domestic violence / against women, the protection of the victim and the provision of assistance to them. The group studied the working version of the National Action Plan. Priorities and relevant departments were selected, according to monitoring topics and goals. The concept of work and the plan for 2018 have been developed.

As a result of focus groups, in-depth interviews and questionnaires with the subjects of the referral mechanism, the monitoring group will prepare a set of recommendations. 

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Mobilizers of the Women Support Centers of the fund “Sukhumi” took part in NGO conference in yui96u.
They familiarized with the directions of the NGO work and shared their experience with the colleagues from Azerbaijan.
The mobilizers are ready to establish new methodologies and experience, gained during the meetings in yui96u, in the work of WSCs.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



On August 12, of 2000 the civilized world celebrated the International Youth Day for the first time. To this day there were dedicated mobilization meetings of Women Support Centers of the fund "Sukhumi" – in Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Poti and in the villages of Zugdidi Municipality - Khurcha and Koki. The meeting participants talked about the problems of youth, about the relationship between the generations.

This year, the Youth Department conducted various activities to mark the International Youth Day. Participants of the mobilization meeting noted that such events are important for the region's youth.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Mobilizers of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti and Khurcha WSCs conducted mobilization meetings in advocacy and its methods.
The meetings were held in IDP collective centers in the villages: Ternali (Tskaltubo municipality), Gochajikhaishi (Khoni municipality), Khori (Senaki municipality), Koki and Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality).
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Mobilizers ofteh WSCs of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted 33 mobilization meetings in collective centers of IDPs in the villages. Topic of the meetings – ways of advocacy.

During the meetings participants received also information about international day of fighting against cancer (celebrated on February 4) and freetreatment in frames of scrining program – what treatments can the citizens of georgia receive and why it is important to use these programs.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Mobilizers of the Women Support Centers conducted mobilization meetings with different groups in towns and villages in the municipalities of Kutaisi, Poti, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Khoni and Zugdidi.

The topic of the meeting mainly concerned gender violence. the participants were given information about a campaign of 16 active days against gender violence. different activities were planned.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Mobilization meetings of June were held in Kutyaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Poti and Senaki also in the villages: Ternali (Tskaltubo Municipality), Khorshi (Senaki Municipality), Khurcha and Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).
The cicle of the meetings was devoted to the international Day of Children’s Protection and touched international convention of the children and abrogation of their rights in Georgia.
The parents talked about relation with the children, problems raised while communication with them and the ways of their solution.
The meetings were held in collective centers for the IDPs and local population.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Mobilization meetings were held by the mobilizers of WSCs in towns and villages.

Thematic of 33 mobilization meetings was devoted to the international day of children protection, their duties, problems. Attention was paid on violation facts regarding children. It was noted why it is so important to have good communication with children.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Poti and in the villages of Zugdidi Municipality - Khurcha and Koki there were held mobilization and informational meetings.

At the meetings there were discussed actual issues for local and displaced women issues were discussed. But one of the main topics was - International Day of Peace. The participants were informed about the importance of this day, events were planned, including the lessons in peace in schools.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Despite of the fact that there were enough number of people on the mobilization meetings, organized by the mobilizers of WSCs. The meetings were held in collective centers, villages and private houses.
The topic of meetings was devoted to the international dy of IDPs and refugees, touched IDP problems and situation regarding solution of these problems, especially regarding resettlement and rehabilitation.
The main problems were social ones. There is a high level of unemployment among the IDPs. Mobilizers familiarized participants of the meeting with the law on IDPs and the action plan.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


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