Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

On December 9, in Ozurgeti Central Library there was held informational meeting, the main issue of which was the campaign of 16 active days against gender violation.
Assistant of the fund “Sukhumi” familiarized participants of the meeting with the meaning of campaign and told about importance of the public unite for violence prevention and disseminated the symbols of campaign.
They mentioned that they observe the activities of the fund “Sukhumi” in Ozurgeti with interest and support the idea of activating women and format equal, non-violent society. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Assistant of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted informational meeting in one of the collective centers of Kutaisi. Meeting participants learned about news in social programs and it seemed to be interesting and useful for them. The meeting discussed solution of different  problems.

Assistant also visited the meeting of the club of Jewish women. The main goal of the club – support of the relationship between each other, spread information, assist in solution of different problems. Assistant of the fund “Sukhumi” familiarized them with the work of the fund  - some of theme were invited to the meeting of the Club of Voter Women in order to involve representatives of ethnical minority in the work and process of advocating the problem.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Sakrebulo of Kutaisi hosted an informational meeting for the mandatory inclusion of local governments in the process of protection from violence. The organizer of the meeting - the Fund "Sukhumi", and the meting was led by representatives of the national anti-violence networks.

The goal of the campaign - presenting information on the local government level and taking necessary measures for the prevention of domestic violence and gender equality.


Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” met the IDPs residing in former kindergarten building on Nikea Street of Kutaisi and familiarized with their life conditions.
The building id rehabilitated and transferred in property, but members of 21 families, who still live there, speak about lots of problems (yard without fence, broken roundabouts…)
In advocacy of mentioned problems Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council was involved.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” met the IDPs, residing in collective center of the former hotel “Khvamli” and familiarized with their problems.
IDPs say that the building is not suitable for living. Their main prob;lem – resettlement, but they have no information, when this problem will be solved.
The preliminary meeting the residents addressed the Ministry of IDPs and Resettlement, in order to define the condition of the building. Special commission carried out expertise, but there is still no answer.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Informational meeting in Ozurgeti kindergarten No1, was attended by the representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” and the member of Sakrebulo and Gender Advisory Council – Irina Sajaia.

The kindergarten staff mentioned that the children are provided by good condition, they have toys, warmth and caring. It has been said about their low salaries and that they would take part in training sessions on gender and other interesting topics for them.

Active women were invited to a meeting of the Club of Women-Voters, which will be held in April, and issue put during the meeting was considered on the same day, at a meeting of the Gender Advisory Council. It has been recorded to develop a training program for kindergartens in the coming months.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Work with disabled people in partnership with national network of protection from violence.
Om May 20, the second informational meeting was held. Beneficiaries mentioned that pension amount is too low. (I group 150 GEL, II – 100 GEL, III – 70 GEL). In spite of the fact that the Ministry of healthcare provides them with medicines, but they still need to by further more.
Meeting participants received information regarding the meeting of Sakrebulo, which will be attended by some of them together with representatives of the fund “Sukhumi n May 27.
Representative of the fund “Sukhumi” met the residents of Adlia Street, Batumi (former military settlement) and familiarized with their problems.
One of the residents – Besik Sikharulidze claims that rehabilitation of sewage system,  road surfacing with asphalt, solution drains problem is essential:
 - During the rain here is a little Venice. The yards are flooded, the water often comes in the houses. It is almost impossible to move without rubber footwear. The walls are covered with mold, which causes different diseases.
The local population demands solution of these problems from the side of Batumi Gender Advisory Council and local self-government structures.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State



In Batumi Independent University, the Fund "Sukhumi" held the first information meeting. For students of the Faculty of Customs received information about the work of the Gender Advisory Council of Batumi.
- Our university is 17 years old, and we are teaching more than 300 students. Among them are young people from the regions, as well as representatives of different nationalities. We had a desire, to be involved in the activity of the Fund "Sukhumi". It would be good to hold training sessions for young people to raise gender awareness, it will help them in the creation of harmonic families - said the manager of a professional program Izolda Khalvashi.

batumm DSCN0189

The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State


Center of Education, Development and Employment organized informational forum for the IDPs. The work of forum was participated by the fund “Sukhumi”.

Representatives of small and middle enterprises, existing in Imereti, governmental and non-governmental organizations, suggested the IDPs the services, connected with increase of incomes (employment, professional training and re-training, informal education, internship…).

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks