Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

Six-month project of Gender Advisory Council (GAC) of Senaki was finished. On July 28 was held final activity of the project – forum-presentation of the project “Civil Education for Establishing Gender Equality and Healthy Environment in Preschool Premises of Senaki Municipality”, co-financed by the local self-government and Fund “Sukhumi”. The forum was attended by deputy of Gamgebeli, representative of administration of Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti, representatives of the fund “Sukhumi”, GAC members, beneficiaries of the project.
Before starting the presentation, invited guests had opportunity to visit exhibition of handmade of the local women and photo materials of the abovementioned project.
Participants of the forum underlined importance of the project and actuality of the issues, raised by the project. Beneficiaries of the project expressed hope for participation in other projects of the GAC.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Forum in Tbilisi


On February 17 Tbilisi hosted a presentation of the research of the fund "Sukhumi" - "Strengthening women's voices in the process of conflict transformation", which was attended by representatives of different social groups, the media, government agencies, the diplomatic corps.

The forum participants received detailed information on the brochure "Women's participation in the Geneva talks: problems, achievements and prospects", issued as a result of the study, also they watched a film on the same topic.

The meeting put forward the issues that concern residents of conflict zones – their solution is important with women's participation in constructive negotiations and agreements, taking into account their vision.

There was a discussion on the inclusion of more women in the process of peaceful settlement of conflicts. There was fixed a need for a more flexible format with the inclusion of representatives of society and the NGOs - those people who are in direct contact with the problem.


The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA


A focus group was held in IDP community of Khoni with the participation of young people in order to learn their opinion on the reform of the allowance for IDPs. During the meeting, the participants expressed their attitude to the reform, recorded the negative results of the reform and noted the need for needs research.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


The Monitoring Group on the Implementation of the Law of Georgia on the Elimination of Domestic Violence, on the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and their Assistance, held a focus group with representatives of the City Hall of Zugdidi and an in-depth interview with the head of the social service of the gamgeoba.

The purpose of these meetings was to identify the results of the work of the local government in terms of protecting the victim of violence and the factors that impede the process of preventing violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

For WSCs of fund “Sukhumi” announced grant competition in April. In May there were shown 6 project proposals. Commission supported all proposals. Implementation of the projects started from June 1. All projects are actual and interesting.

Women Support Center of Tskaltubo – “We will overcome violence with knowledge” – informational educational work with society in two villages of Tskaltubo Municipality.

Women Support Centers of Kutaisi – “From rich past to rich future” – organization of exhibition on June 20 on international day of IDPs and refugees.

Women Supporting Center of Khoni – “Informed women change the world” informational-educational work in three villages of the municipality and training for the representatives of the village.

Women Support Center of Senaki – “Informed Youth – against violence regarding women” – mobilization and informational-educational work with the youth of two villages of Senaki Municipality and support of the initiative of the youth.

Women Support Center of Poti – “Prevention of violence by popularization of healthy life-style” organizing sport competition.

Women Support Center of Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality) – “Family without violence” informational-educational work in villages of Zugdidi Municipality.

The projects are in active phase. The work started and we want to wish success to the WSCs of Fund “Sukhumi”.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
The project launched by the Fund "Sukhumi" on May 1came to its end. The project was aimed at persons with disabilities, together with the National Network of Women's NGOs on violence against women
On July 24 informational meeting was held in a different format. There was organized a visit at the House-Museum of famous Georgian writer David Kldiashvili village Simoneti (Terjola municipality). It was an informational meeting and conclusions, and tour...
Beneficiaries expressed their pleasure:
Liana Kukhianidze: - I learned a lot. I liked your job, attention from your side. I will remember this day for a long time...
Robert Tsereteli: - I am satisfied with the training, which taught me a lot about the work of NGOs, attended the meeting at City Hall. I learned that anyone can attend the meetings.
Nato Kupatadze: - During this period legal and psychological consultations, meetings with Fund "Sukhumi" staff were special for me. It is a pity that the project is going to end soon...



Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) has summed up the three-year work. The conference was attended by representatives of 12 administrative units of Kutaisi municipality, members of Kutaisi, Ozurgeti, Senaki GACs, NGO representatives and media.

Speakers of the conference have focused on the results that are achieved within three years. It was noted that GAC has made a significant contribution to the creation of a gender policy at the local level. The result - in the budget in 2016 genderissues are reflected.

The results also were:the relevance of gender themes in the local media, the importance and priority of gender budgeting, legislative changes for creation of gender councils at the municipal level.

As was said at the conference, GAC experience and results will create a good basis for future Council of Kutaisi to work effectively in the direction of gender.

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


An enlarged meeting of the Council of Advisors took place in the assembly hall of Khoni. In addition to the members of Advisors’ Council, the event was attended by representatives of legislative and executive authorities, active community groups, beneficiaries of social projects, youth, journalists.

The meeting presented the work done within the framework of the project, as well as the innovative services introduced, which, according to the speakers, are approved in Khoni.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 



In the Sakrebulo of Khoni municipality an enlarged meeting of the Council of Advisers took place within the framework of the project "Inclusion of NGOs working on issues of social protection in the strategic dialogue in Georgia".

Nino Markozashvili, the new manager, got acquainted with the members of the Council. A video of the final report of the work for 2017 was shown. Members of the Council considered the issue of the viability of the funded projects and the main results of monitoring the social budget. There was a discussion about drawing up a work plan for 2018. Mayor of the municipality of Khoni Lado Jurkhadze expressed readiness for future cooperation and stated that the trend of introducing social services directed to vulnerable groups will continue.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

On International Day of Women Solidarity in kindergarten No 2 of Senaki there was held an exhibition “Women for Peace, Beauty and Harmony”, with works of ladies and kindergarten staff. The event was decorated with music. The exhibition was attended by representatives of local self-government, members of Gender Advisory Councils.
The exhibition was held on initiative of the kindergarten. This is a result of the work in frames of joint project of fund “Sukhumi” and Senaki municipality “Civil Education for Gender Equality and Healthy Environment in Senaki Pre-school Unity

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The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Social Networks