The moderator of Khoni Women Initiative Group began a meeting with pleasant information: in the city, in several places the municipal government started the arrangement of squares. This question was initiated by the initiative group after noting the lack of public squares in the city.

Members of the initiative group decided to join the International Campaign "16 active days against violence against women".

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The initiatives planned for the beginning of the year, which imply an improvement in the level of human security, were successfully implemented by the Women's Initiative Group. Monitoring showed that, in cooperation with the local authorities, there has been advocacy of 4 problems.

At this stage, actively considered the initiative set by the group to build a new public square in the city. According to the answer, which came from the administration of the municipality, the necessary amount will be taken into account in the next year's budget. The members of the group are actively involved in advocating the process, and will monitor the solution of the long-term problem. According to internal monitoring, it turns out that the image of the initiative group has increased - this is expressed by the growing appeal of citizens to it.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Soon Sakrebulo of a new convocation will meet in Tskaltubo. It is gratifying that the moderator of women's initiative group Latavra Bendeliani became a deputy of Sakrebulo. According to the members of the group, this is a good factor in order to introduce women's problems in Sakrebulo and get the necessary support.

At the meeting of Tskaltubo Women's Initiative Group it was noted that the project is coming to an end, but they will continue to work, as there are many problems that can be solved at the local level. 

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

The meetings of Women's Initiative Groups continue. Monitoring of last month showed the challenges that accompany the long-term advocacy of problems.

According to the members of the Women's Initiative Group of Tskaltubo, close elections to local government are the right time to solve social problems, and they use it effectively.

Cooperation with representatives of local self-government, with candidates for deputies, as well as meetings with the population-work in this direction continues actively. Members of the Women's Initiative Group of Tskaltubo are going to improve human security in this way.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The Tskaltubo Women's Initiative Group is preparing for the final meeting. The members of the group discussed the organizational meetings of the round table and distributed the functions. The meeting will talk about inclusive approaches and invite people involved in the activities of the project.

At the meeting of the initiative group, they talked about advocating a kindergarten in the village of Tskhunkuri. Advocacy of the problem was started at the beginning of the year and ended at the end of October. In parallel, the members of the group are working on different social problems.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


In Khoni, there was held a meeting of Women's Initiative Group. The moderator, who attended the round table in Kutaisi, gave the participants information received. She said such exchange meetings give an opportunity to learn what people think about human security in other cities, for example, in Kutaisi, how advocacy goes, and also get to know the people involved in this process.

At the meeting there was talk about advocating a new problem. The problem is individual - the search for additional funds for the operation of a socially unprotected woman. 

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Information about the work of Khoni Women Initiative Group is printed in the monthly newspaper "Khoni" - such a message was announced by the moderator of the initiative group.

At the meeting, they talked about the process of advocacy.

- Official replies to the letters sent to the local government have already been received. One question concerns the pedestrian crossing “zebra”, and the second one concerns the construction of a new public garden in the city. Both issues are very important for the safety of citizens. Local authorities are ready to consider and support these initiatives, "the moderator noted.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Members of Kutaisi Women's Initiative Group have created another advocacy plan. The problem concerns provision of housing for orphans. The solution of the problem at the local level is impossible, therefore the group thinks to raise the issue at the central level. At the meeting, telephone consultations of lawyers on a specific issue were heard.

The members of the initiative group also revised the plan for advocating long-term problems and made some changes. 

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Kutaisi Women's Initiative Group monitors the process of advocacy of long-term problems, the solution of which requires certain terms.

Citizens are actively involved in the process, whose interests include the positive resolution of issues. Monitoring revealed that it is necessary to make changes in the action plan: the search for new allies, new recipients for the effective completion of advocacy.

With the help of an initiative group, which communicated with representatives of different structures via phone, it became possible to solve several social problems.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)



Kutaisi Women's Support Center tries to work with different categories of people. That is why the psychologist periodically comes to the Center for inclusive beneficiaries "Valentine". So it was this time. The group consultative meeting was attended by 12 people. The work was done using the art-therapy method. The beneficiaries noted that they are always happy to participate in such meetings.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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