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The date of elections in Georgia is not specified yet, but the Fund “Sukhumi” is actively working in the framework of the project “Online Vote-O-Meter for 2020 Georgian Parliamentary Elections”. 

The aim of the project is to create an online system - to inform voters. The project team at actively discusses all relevant issues during online meetings.

There are calls on all Internet platforms of the Fund “Sukhumi” so that citizens can fix their questions to political parties. At this point, questions are recorded. Also, the work on an informational video clip is in the active phase.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

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Another online meeting of partner organizations was held online. Action plans the working groups set up in the target municipalities were discussed. In addition, they talked about the trainings to be held in June for members of the Civil Society Organizations Forum. The first training is on financial reporting, and the second is on PR and visibility.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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On June 9, within the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”, the partner organization, Imereti Scientists' Union "Spectri" held the first meeting with the members of the working group. The meeting was held online. The members of the working group got acquainted with the goals and objectives of the project, as well as with the mission and functions of the working group.

The members of the working group represent the civil society, local self-government and various stakeholders in Ozurgeti municipality. They expressed their readiness to be actively involved and contribute to the implementation of the project.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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The videos with participation of representatives of local self-government from Tsalenjikha, Poti, Ozurgeti and Tskaltubo municipalities (there were 5 municipalities in the last months) were posted on the Facebook page of the Fund “Sukhumi”

They reflect the activities and strategies of the municipalities in response to the problems identified as a result of the research of the Fund “Sukhumi” against the background of the needs that arose due to the COVID-19.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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The Fund “Sukhumi” organized an informational meeting in Lentekhi Municipality, which was attended by representatives of various structures of the City Hall and Sakrebulo, members of the Gender Equality Council.

The meeting participants exchanged information: how the local budget responds to gender parameters, how prior are the issues of violence prevention and victim assistance to the authorities, what the challenges are and what is planned in this direction.

Participants received information about the research of the Fund “Sukhumi” on the role of local self-government in terms of violence prevention and victims’ assistance.

As it was noted at the meeting, such cooperation between the non-governmental sector and government agencies will contribute to the implementation of new initiatives.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In June-August, civil society organizations carry out two projects in Vani Municipality.

"Support 2020" is a new organization, and its project is called: "Informing the population about the importance of participation in the process of implementing public administration reform at the local level."

After the completion of the project, citizens will actively participate in the decision-making process. Self-government will be ready, to take into account their opinions and alternatives during the adoption of all important issues.

The organization “Citizens' Activity for Effective Governance and Justice” is implementing a project - “Needs and necessities, awareness and promotion of the inclusion of youth and people with disabilities in the administrative unit of the community of Salominao (Vani Municipality)”.

The project will contribute to the development of young people's talent, strengthening their responsibility and active cooperation with local government.

Project applications were prepared in frames of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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Baghdati civil society organizations have launched three-month projects.

The project of the organization “Civil Spectrum of Equality” is “Informing citizens about the roadmap for public administration reform”. Within the framework of the project, meetings, workshops and trainings will be held with individual groups (persons with disabilities, socially vulnerable people, internally displaced persons) and will familiarize them with important issues: how to use electronic resources to communicate with local government, how to get public information, what are the rules for attending Sakrebulo meetings, how to present recommendations ...

“Participation of the population in the process of implementing public administration reform” is the name of the project of the second organization “Equality Now.” The goal of the project is to inform single parents, mothers with many children and pensioners about how public administration reform will affect them.

Project applications were prepared in frames of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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An informational meeting was held with members of the Gender Equality Council in Sakrebulo of Tsageri Municipality. The topics of the meeting were: role, practice and challenges in terms of combating domestic violence. However, the conversation touched gender equality policy in general.

Local government chairpersons welcome the prospect of closer cooperation with the Fund “Sukhumi”. They spoke about a work for the protection of the victims of domestic violence and prevention of violence. Statistics are not high in the region, but the problem is often closed and its management is even more difficult - this was especially evident under the conditions of COVID-19.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Two projects were implemented in Khoni Municipality since the beginning of June. Applications were prepared in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The names and goals of the projects show their importance and relevance:

The Center for Education and Development “Edelweiss” has prepared a two-month project, “The Voice of Society in Self-Government”. The project will give the public information about what is happening in the local government. It is planned to use the hotline. In 12 administrative units, banners with contact information will be placed (municipality web page, facebook page, email, hotline number).

The IDP initiative group has launched a three-month project “Raising Citizens Accessibility for Greater Involvement”. According the project, the web page of the municipality will be updated, the work of the local government will become more transparent, the population will actively use the electronic platform, get acquainted with local programs, and use them to solve their problems.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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Nino Janelidze is the chairperson of Terjola Sakrebulo. She was elected as the head of the working group. The first meeting of the working group was held in the conference hall of Terjola Municipality, which was attended by representatives of the City Hall and Sakrebulo, members of the civil society organizations, journalists and PR specialists.

The aim of the meeting was to develop an action plan, assess and analyze the problems identified in the public administration reform monitoring process.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project: “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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