One of those, met by the psychologist of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” -  Manana Gotsiridze  in June, was 76-year-old Lyubov Maksimenko from the Mykolaev region. She lived in Tskaltubo, but 30 years ago she sold her apartment and moved to Ukraine. She lived happily, but when the situation escalated during the war, she came here, intending to stay for a while. She did not meet any of her acquaintances here, neither the new owners of her apartment, nor former neighbors, nor friends ... For some time she lived with the daughter of an old acquaintance, then the City Hall settled her in a hotel ... She decided to return home again. However, she did not have enough finances. Fund "Sukhumi" bought a bus ticket, gave food for the journey and sent her to Ukraine...

In June, the psychologist met with another 12 people - representatives of 5 families. The  initial consultations, anamnesis, work with traumas and stress was started with them. Two beneficiaries have completed individual psychotherapy sessions and one continues to receive psychotherapy on Wednesdays. Also, all families received a set of humanitarian aid from our organization.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

A meeting  with Kemlin Furley, the representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Georgia was held In Kutaisi, at the head office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". The meeting was also attended by a representative of  the Georgian Red Cross Society Kutaisi branch.

Mrs. Kemlin was informed about the ongoing projects implemented by the Fund "Sukhumi" and the Red Cross for the assistance of Ukrainian refugees. The conversation touched upon the condition of Ukrainians, existing challenges and needs. Particular attention was paid to problems in terms of health and education and their advocacy at the national level.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

June 20, the International Day of Refugees and IDPs, is traditionally celebrated by the Women Fund "Sukhumi" with various activities. For the third year already, the event “The Aroma of Sukhumian Coffee in Kutaisi Boulevard” has been held. Ukrainian refugees were present last year and came this time. The women prepared cookies with Ukrainian theme. A Ukrainian girl danced their national dance. This day was impressive and everyone saw the active work of the Fund.

The Women Fund “Sukhumi” has already provided assistance to 539 people who came from Ukraine. In June, 16 new people were added to our database. Our support was expressed in a following way:

- 28 families (44 people) received products

- We paid the rent for 6 families

- We paid utility bills for 6 families

- Medical costs for one Ukrainian woman were reimbursed

- We bought a bus ticket with $220 to Ukraine for Lyubov Maksimenko and she returned to her country.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

“It is very important that the information on women's rights disseminated by the Fund “Sukhumi” reaches every village, because women in the periphery need information on such issues most”.

“Strengthening of women's rights must start with information. When I know the information, I can better protect my rights”.

“The more strong women we have, the fewer conflicts and cases of domestic violence will be".

- These opinions were recorded at informational meetings held with women. Participants emphasize that one of the important mechanisms for empowering women is to equip them with the necessary information.

The meetings were held in the Women Support Centers of Senaki, Chokhatauri, Vani, Terjola and Khobi.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The cycle of information meetings in Bagdati municipality continues. The ordinary meeting was organized by the advocacy group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" and the Interdepartmental Commission of Bagdati City hall for the prevention of violence against women and / or domestic violence, protection of victims of violence and their assistance. The meeting was held in the village Persati. The meeting was attended by heads and teachers of kindergartens of the villages Zegani, Sakraula and Persati, the head of the association of kindergartens and representatives of the administration.

The coordinator of the children's rights department presented information about the services they provide to vulnerable families. The participants were also provided with detailed information about the work and services of the Fund "Sukhumi". As a problem, the participants named the fact that the victim does not have a guarantee of security, and the work in terms of prevention is weak.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

An active training course continues at the Youth Empowerment Centers.  5 more trainings were held in June,- this time in the municipalities of Senaki, Samtredia, Vani, Kobuleti and Chokhatauri. These were days full of interesting and creative activities.

Young people with leadership qualities were identified in all groups. They began to duplicate what they learned. Summer holidays have begun in schools, but despite this, young people do not slow down the pace of work, they try to hold many initiated events in their schools, towns or villages.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

During the lesson, the hours fly by so fast that we don't even feel it.

Imagination takes us to a completely different world.

Our fingers get used to colored clay and we teach them to read our thoughts.

The teacher tells us that the clay must love us...

These are the words of the women beneficiaries of the Day Rehabilitation Center, who are learning to work with polymer clay with great interest together with the teacher Maka Jishkariani. During the lessons, they talk not only about color mixing, work-related details, but also about art therapy, which helps to overcome problems.

Each lesson is interesting, it is especially pleasant to communicate with each other and the fact that they learn a lot, make new products - each of them has already accumulated a lot of work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The initiative of the monitoring group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" was also accepted by  Vani municipality. In order to respond to the issues of violence, an Interdepartmental Commission on the Prevention of Violence against Women and / or Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance to Victims of Violence was created in the City Hall, which will be headed by Vice Mayor Vladimir Kheladze. The commission consists of 13 people and includes representatives of the relevant services of the City Hall, the educational resource center, the association of kindergartens, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, NGOs and a social agency.

The Commission will cooperate with the Gender Equality Council of Vani Municipality. It will periodically provide information and recommendations on the current situation in the municipality, measures to prevent violence against women and / or domestic violence, protection and assistance to victims of violence, which will contribute to active work on the problem.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

International IDP / Refugee Day was celebrated by the Women Fund "Sukhumi" with the aroma of Sukhumian coffee in Kutaisi Boulevard - for the third time.

Along with coffee brewed on the sand, the guests tasted cookies with painted icing on the theme of Abkhazia.

The chairman of the organization Alla Gamakharia presented certificates of appreciation for friendship and partnership to: Kakha Enukidze (Mayor of Bagdati), Nodar Giorgidze (chairman of Bagdati City Council), Shalva Kirtadze (rector of Kutaisi State University), Ketevan Tskhakaya (head of Imereti Scientists’ Union "Spectrum"), Lado Jurkhadze (Mayor of Khoni), Alu Gamakharia (founder of the Association “Business and Peaceful Caucasus”), Pakizo Panchulidze (Director of Tskaltubo, public school No. 1), Maya Nutsubidze-Kobulia (Director of Tskaltubo, public school No. 4), Eliso Pantskhava (associate professor, translator).

Brot für die Welt is an authoritative organization that, as a reliable partner and donor, has identified and successfully improved many areas in the activities of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”. The areas are following: violence prevention, monitoring and advocacy, youth empowerment centers, forum theater / shadow theater / puppet theater, rehabilitation centers, support for Ukrainian refugees.

Representatives of Brot für die Welt Kim Kvibuka and Lilian Kurtz listened to the current report, which was presented by the team of Kutaisi head office and Tbilisi representative office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”  in the form of interesting presentations.

“Thank you for showing us the diversity of your work. It is very impressive what you do and what you strive for. I'm sure you'll have great results!" - said Kim Kwibuka  at the end of the meeting.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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