The Interagency Human Rights Council held another work meeting. It was hosted by Niko Tatulashvili, the Prime Minister's Advisor on Human Rights and Gender Equality. Tbilisi representative office of Women's Fund "Sukhumi" took part at the meeting along with representatives of other locan and international CSOs.

It was noted at the meeting that on October 25 by the resolution of the Government of Georgia, the 2022-2024 Georgian National Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and the 2022-2024 Action Plan for Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence and Protecting Victims were approved. One of the main issues of the commission session was the promotion and monitoring of the implementation of the mentioned governmental action plans.

One woman, during the period that she was in the rehabilitation center was filled with positive emotions, realized her place in life, felt peace and freedom. Now she is ready to fight for her better life. The second one says that she has received the necessary knowledge. I realized how important it is to have adequate self-esteem and, most importantly, that I must study and be a worthy mother to my daughter...

All this is the merit of their stay at the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". In October, the center hosted three women with young children, victims of domestic violence, who had gone through suffering and trauma.

They underwent intensive rehabilitation work - a social worker, a lawyer and a psychologist were actively involved.

The results of the work are visible in their comments.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Group and individual psychological meetings were held in the Women Support Centers of Samtredia, Kobuleti, Tsalenjikha and Tkibuli (online). 35 beneficiaries took part in them.

During a month, the psychologist conducted online individual consultations in the regions and psycho-therapeutic work in Kutaisi office.

There were also group meetings on Fridays with the beneficiaries of the Day Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - with women who learn how to work with polymer clay. Sessions were held with them to overcome fears, stress, traumas and raise self-esteem.

One of the beneficiaries of the Day Center said: “Everything that happened this month is special for me – I was filled with love for myself and others, I manage to do beautiful things”.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Women from Ukraine - a new blog has appeared on the website of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" since March.

The main characters are women - from Kherson, Chuguev, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Berdyansk, Vinnytsia...

These are sad and hopeful stories.

A few phrases from different stories:

"When I was a child, I remember that grandmothers and grandfathers repeated one and the same thing - let there be peace and we don't want anything else. We had peace and laughed at what they said. They had experienced a war and knew the value of peace. Now I understand the meaning of these words very well", - Katerina Mirnaya.

"Mother has a family farm: chickens, eggs, vegetables. She has sown potatoes in three vegetable gardens... she is waiting for us and prepares everything for us", - Alina Dziubinskaya.

"I have two mothers in Kherson - mine and my husband’s, everything is there - house, apartment, friends, relatives, I miss them and I am afraid of losing them. All I want is to go to my country soon", - Tatyana Khodakovskaya.

The blog has already told the stories of 15 women. Stories that are similar to each other and are different at the same time...

This blog must be read by everyone, in order to feel the cruelty of war and do everything for peace...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Five meetings with a lawyer were held at the Women Support Centers in October. An individual meeting was held in Kobuleti, an online group meeting in Tkibuli. In Bagdati, Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) and in Samtredia - group meetings were held in a youth center, in a kindergarten and in an outpatient clinic.

The group meetings were attended by both school representatives and kindergarten teachers, upper graders and representatives of the civil society.

Representatives of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" made a presentation of the site - "Digital Resource Center of the Services for Violence Victims" One victim of violence was given a mobile phone with SAFE YOU applications and an SOS button.

Concrete work was carried out at the Rehabilitation Center of the Fund "Sukhumi" together with a psychologist and a social worker.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Samtredia municipality is in the process of forming a Department for the Protection of Children's rights and their support. Therefore, representatives of the Children's Departments of Senaki, Lanchkhuti, Khoni, Tskhaltubo and Bagdati municipalities were invited to the information meeting in Samtredia. The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Mayor of Samtredia Municipality Vladimir Zakradze, Deputy Chairman of the City Council Natia Papava, representatives of the administrative units and public officials.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

"Before arriving to the rehabilitation center, I suffered a lot. Firstly, I didn't know how I would leave everyday problems and at the same time, how I would be accepted here. I have never been away from my family for all my 48 years. In one word, I was worried.

I felt a warm environment at the first meeting.

Then I met a psychologist. I felt amazing attention. I my surprise I told her many things about me.

I have a good memory, I remember everything. When the father got drunk, he often quarreled with the mother. That's why I didn't love him. In the age of 5-6 I was like an old woman. I had a lack of many things. My mother often said that she was doing everything for you, and I blamed myself, I asked myself why did I appear in this world...

I still have many problems. But I forgot everything in the rehabilitation center. I found new acquaintances, common problems and the feeling that you are not alone. That is why I am full of hope and energy. We need such relationships, compassion, listening to each other. My little boy is also happy, he likes to be here...

Now I understand how I should have lived as a mother, as a woman. I am coming out of the closed circle in which I was. Thanks to everyone who helped me"...

One of the women from Ukraine is undergoing treatment for oncology, and we actively help her, we pay for medical procedures. Our organization is the only one that supports her in this difficult period of life. After the medical tests, we heard good news, the 4th stage of cancer was not confirmed and she continues to fight...

There are 337 refugees from Ukraine in our database. In October, we added 16 people to the database. Assistance was provided to 31 families and 2 women. We continue to pay rent for three families, another 9 families were added to this category this month.

We continue to look for jobs. One of our beneficiaries managed to get a job in a garment factory. There is currently a vacancy for a man, for the position of a baker.

Everyone who wants to have consultations with psychologists, participate in psycho-rehabilitation sessions conducted by Georgian and Ukrainian psychologists. We also offer legal advice. We were addressed by a single mother, upon arrival she was deceived, under the guise of selling her home, they took 1,500 $ from her and disappeared - unfortunately, the scammers were not be found. She addressed a lawyer, he still helps, brought her to us. From our side, she received a package of products, we also helped with paying for housing.

In October, the Forum Theater held two meetings with the audience according to the - in the Children's Village and in the Kutaisi Park. The interesting performances in the Children's Village were followed by an active discussion and most importantly, the involvement of adults.

The performance in the park surprised passers-by. The scene of the beggar was particularly impressive for them.

Forum-theatre performances and a fact that we can all work together to prevent violence have a certain impact on people.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

A public discussion was held by the Women Fund "Sukhumi" within the framework of the campaign "All agains Femicide". Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health, and Social Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Public Defender's Office, National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia. Also women's/youth groups and journalists of various projects of Women Fund "Sukhumi".

According to independent expert Goga Khatiashvili - "There is only one solution, let's listen to everyone!"

The public discussion organized by the Women's Fund "Sukhumi" is another attempt to make the representatives of the legislative, executive and civil sectors speak in one democratic space and in one language to solve common problems.

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