Members of Khoni initiative group heard information about the history of International Women's Day, March 8, and its proclamation as a holiday.

They discussed the urgency of the issue of solidarity today, as well as the current situation in Ukraine.

They spoke about the support and assistance provided by members of the Women Club and the Khoni Municipality to the Ukrainian people.

"It is always important to feel support, solidarity."

"We, the women who passed through the war in Abkhazia, especially remember the cruelty of the war, we know its consequences and that is why we condemn the war, we want peace for all nations."

"We helped Ukraine with what we could".

What is solidarity?

In current difficult situation, we often come across this termin, but the understand of its meaning is a completely different issue...

According to the club members, solidarity is - support, sharing the pain of others, a visible example of which is Ukraine today.

The young people also spoke about the origin of March 8, the International Women's Day and underlined the importance of the solidarity to women, which is relevant and important at all times...

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Solidarity, Feminism, Women Movement in Georgia - These issues were discussed at the meeting of Senaki Youth Initiative Group.

Solidarity is a power, responsibility, positive impulses, solidarity brings us closer to the goal.

This was the position of the youth about the essence of solidarity.

The participants heard the stories of the first feminist women, how they tried to support women through their activities, to strengthen their rights in Georgia!

According to the participants, such information has a positive effect on their consciousness. They believe that women solidarity is still important and relevant today, because women still have to talk about protection of their rights.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Why is solidarity important? – the discussion of this issue was interactive.

According to the participants, solidarity increases the results, the scale and its power is unlimited.

The participants got acquainted with the stories of Georgian feminist women, who played an important role in the development and assistance of women.

At the end of the meeting, the participants noted that solidarity is important in any case, in any situation.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The women heard information about the International Women's Day, the history of March 8 and its establishment.

The issue of solidarity was highlighted at the meeting, the participants talked about their contribution to help women and children in war.

The women also highlighted the topic of solidarity and mentioned that solidarity is important in any case and situation.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Active discussion;

Interesting presentations;

Role games and tasks;

This was the format of training, held by the trainers of the Fund "Sukhumi" Lali Shengelia and Anzhela Chikhladze on "Stereotypes and Tolerance" on March 9.

Participants were actively involved in the process and expressed their position on the issue.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID


Yellow and blue colors, with mimosas and daffodils, calls, banners...The Women Fund “Sukhumi” stood on the stairs of the Kutaisi theater: the Head Office of Kutaisi, the Representative Office of Tbilisi, Women Support Centers, Women and Youth Initiative Groups, Youth Empowerment Centers, Forum - theater, IDP women groups, women and young people from 13 municipalities (Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Bagdati, Vani, Tkibuli, Samtredia, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Senaki, Kobuleti, Chokhatauri).

All together - for solidarity, for a peaceful tomorrow!

Peace at home - peace in the world! - in addition to this traditional slogan, there were other calls:

Peace to Ukraine!

We have passed through the war! We remember the war! We condemn the war!

The right of children to: have family, alternative care, education, health, social protection, proper living conditions and development, protection from child abuse, protection from harmful influences. These issues were discussed at a meeting on February 17.

The “Convention on the Rights of the Child” has changed both children's perceptions and attitudes towards them - children are people with special rights and not just passive objects of charity.

The Convention declares that children need special care and protection.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

"Equality means equal rights. Violence starts if that right is violated."

"Gender is misunderstood by the public, caused by a lack of information. Everyone should understand that it protects the rights of both women and men." - The members of the Tskaltubo youth group had such opinions at information meetings.

According to the participants, gender equality is an important issue, and it contributes to the creation of harmony in society and the protection of human rights.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

On February 16, the training was held with the members of Khoni Youth Initiative Group on the topic - "Stereotypes and Tolerance". Participants gained new knowledge, shared their experiences regarding the topic, and looked at many issues from a different side. The training was conducted with active discussion: - "The information provided by you was very interesting"; "It seemed that this topic was not unknown to me, but today's training has made me to think differently about many issues"; "I was happy to listen and deepen my knowledge." This is how the young people evaluated the training conducted for them.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

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