The day rehabilitation center resumed its active work. At the end of May, new groups were composed - one part of women is studying the work with polymer clay, and the second will pass accounting courses.

The experience of the day center has shown its effectiveness. Occupational therapy is very important for women who are the victims of violence. It increases employment prospects. Along with studying the new profession, the beneficiaries have the opportunity to receive psychological and legal consultations and rehabilitation.

The meeting of khoni working group was held actively. During the meeting, the participants listened to a report on what was done and what they achieved in the municipality: launching a hotline, updating a web page, introducing an electronic petition system, assessing needs, three monitoring of the process of public administration reform. However, there is still much to be done.

Now the working group is working to ensure that the City Council members adopt a document based on the code of ethics. It is also important to determine the days of citizens’ reception in the City Council.

The confidence towards the working group from the side of the representatives of the self-government is worth noting. This is felt at all meetings where members of the City Hall and City Council are actively involved in the discussion of all issues.

Population is going to plant hornbeam trees in Gubi. In Dedalauri it is planned to asphalt the central road, the residents of Dzedzileti and Gocha-Jikhaishi have a problem with transport.

These are the problems of the villages of Khoni municipality. And the solution was found...

Electronic petition!

This is a modern, convenient mechanism.

A petition (lat. "Petitio") is a collective request to the authorities in written form.

The Internet has significantly increased and simplified signatures to the petition, improved the dialogue of citizens with government structures. Our project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring” also serves to activate Internet resources.

At the initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi" representatives of local referral entities:  members of Gender Equality Council, representatives of local self-government and the police gathered at the round table in Senaki. There was a presentation of a research on monitoring of services for victims of violence, conducted by the Fund "Sukhumi".

At the meeting, there was a conversation regarding the situation in the municipality in terms of violence, prevention of violence against women / domestic violence and victims’ protection. The emphasis was placed on cooperation with local structures.

“My husband violates me almost every day, it’s impossible to stay with him, but I have nowhere to go. Is there any place, where I will be sheltered and saved from this hell? " asks one woman.

The second woman is worried about her neighbor: “Screaming and crying is often heared from the neighbor's house. The husband is a rapist, the wife is unprotected. Can I intervene? What to do? I can't listen to such scenes every day".

All questions - how to be, where to look for a way out, will be really answered here and necessary advice will be given without leaving home.

All this happens online - on the newsite: “Digital Resource Center of the Services for Violence Victims”.

The place of meeting - Zugdidi.

The topic of the training - "Evidence-Based Advocacy Practice."

Members of women initiative groups from Zugdidi, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskaltubo gathered here. They discussed the advocacy process through practical examples and statements.

The participants worked in groups: they defined the actual problem identified as a result of the research, and also formed advocacy tasks and plan. The acquired information and skills will help them to prepare an advocacy plan for the municipalities and correctly plan the advocacy process.

“New visions in the process of public administration reform for the introduction of population needs assessment” - a round table on this topic was held in Vani. Representatives of local self-government and civil sector were actively involved in the meeting. The participants were provided with information on population’s needs assessment and developed the recommendations. They got acquainted with the work of civil society organizations registered in Vani in terms of informing the population about public administration reform. There was also a presentation of Vani working group, its structure and results.

The meeting was held on the background of active discussions. The participants mentioned the reasons that hinder the use of e-services. This is mainly a low information level and lack of proper skills.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

It was a round table - presentation on the topic "E-petition in Khoni municipality". The meeting, held in the City Council of Khoni, was attended by 28 participants: representatives of local government and civil sector. Participants were provided with information on the results of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

One of the successful results of the project is the creation and implementation of an electronic petition system. The speakers talked about the information campaign carried out in 12 administrative units of Khoni municipality, as well as about the e-petitions presented on behalf of the communities and the process of challenging the petitions by the local government.

The Forum of civil society organizations was held in Kutaisi.

The meeting was attended by 16 civil society organizations registered in Khoni, Vani, terjola, Bagdati, Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti, Tsageri and Ambrolauri municipalities.

During the meeting, a small analysis of the results of the second needs assessment research was made according to the municipalities.

The results of the second local needs research were analyzed according the municipalities. A comparison was made with the previous research, to see what dynamics are observed at this stage, what results are obtained and what challenges remain.

It was underlined that information level among the population about public administration reform has increased in all municipalities, accordingly the statistics on the use of e-services has also increased. Working groups set up in 8 municipalities make a great contribution to all this.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

Terjola working group has achieved number of successes. At the beginning of the project, a lot was done, and mainly these activities were underlined during the round table. The meeting was attended by representatives of the City Hall and the City Council, teachers, doctors, lawyers, social workers.

The participants of the meeting saw well what the working group has done over the last period. Talked about the second local needs research, which has been finished and will soon receive the form of publication. There was also a presentation of local civil society organizations and it was noted that they were especially activated within the framework of the project.

Particular attention was paid to the issue of civil budgeting - now the document is in the process of development, it will soon be posted on the web page and citizens will have the opportunity to record their ideas and project applications on this platform.

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