Three members of Kutaisi youth initiative group took an active part in the training, which was dedicated to project writing. Then they shared their knowledge and information with the rest of the group.

The group has actively worked on two projects that should be presented to the competition committee in the near future. This is their first experience and everyone joined with great enthusiasm.

An information meeting with members of the women initiative group was held online. They named the actual problems of the city, selected the most priority ones and developed an advocacy plan. The group will try to solve the problem, and this will motivate group members to work more actively.

Like the previous month, three meetings were held in Khoni in July - one in the youth initiative group and two in the women's groups.

The youth group actively worked on the project, discussed the envisaged activities, considered and worked out all the details, in order to submit to the competition committee for funding.

In women's initiative groups, women talked about many problems that they want to solve, but they do not have such opportunities. At the end, they selected issues that are prior for them and drafted an advocacy plan.

Dachi is a smart and businesslike person. He was born this year, in early April. He often "works" with his mother. He helped her even before he was born. So, the residents of Bagdati should be grateful to Dachi for the preparation of serious documents.
If anyone thinks that this is a joke, I cannot agree. Because Dachi actually works with her mom. Dachi's mom is a young, beautiful and clever woman. She graduated from school in the village Dimi, and then graduated from the Faculty of Law and the Master's program of Tbilisi State University.
When the implementation of our project started in Bagdati, City Council members were invited to the working group. Guram Kiknavelidze, the chairman of the commission on financial - budgetary issues, was elected as the chairperson of the group. The second member is Gvantsa Grdzelidze, chairman of the legal and procedural commission. In short, both are necessary people, now the group has its own financial and legal lobbyists. That is why, Bagdati working group is distinguished by its activity and is successfully implementing the Public Administration Reform.

The press conference was held within the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”. 

Representative of the Cultural-Humanitarian Fund "Sukhumi" presented the results and analysis of the second citizens’ local needs research conducted by partner organizations in the municipalities selected under the project. The aim of the study was to define awareness of the society in public administration reform, the quality of e-services and to identify specific results and challenges of public administration reform in municipalities.

The press conference was attended by 24 journalists, and the issues discussed were covered in the media.


The results of the mini-projects implemented by civil society organizations were summarized at the ordinary meeting of Vani working group. They also discussed the recommendations that were developed for local government with the aim of implementation at the local level of public administration - this mainly concerns the improvement of the skills of citizens and representatives of the City Hall in terms of using e-services.

The meeting highlighted the activities that the group should carry out before the completion of the project, and the responsibility for their implementation was distributed among the members of the group.

Based on the circumstances caused by COVID-19, debates in a a Zoom format were held in Tsageri, which was organized by the Fund of Women Entrepreneurs. During the meeting, the participants - representatives of the City Council and the City Hall, the civil sector and the media - had the opportunity to listen to the results of the needs research conducted in the municipality and the work carried out within the framework of the project. The exchange of successful examples of Khoni and Tskaltubo on the topic of the petition and the civil budget was interesting.

The participants expressed great interest, which was shown by active involvement and recommendations.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Terjola debate justified the forum's main mission: members of the civil society forum learn from each other and share best practices with other municipalities.

First there was a meeting of the working group, where the debates were planned and determined.

And on July 22, online debates were held - interesting, active, meaningful, with concrete examples and results ...

The meeting was attended by representatives of Terjola local self-government, civil society organizations and various spheres, as well as guests from Tskhaltubo and Khoni municipalities.

It was a kind of report on the work done. And the work was quite fruitful: 4 monitoring of public administration reform, small projects, update of the web page, needs assessment, civil budget implementation process...

The debates in Ozurgeti were attended by the staff of the City Hall and City Council of the municipality, teachers, representatives of the media, non-governmental organizations, medical sphere and small business.

The meeting discussed the results of the third monitoring and the citizens' needs research of the implementation of the Roadmap for Public Administration Reform (PAR) implemented by the partner organizations “Center for Education and Equality” and the “Young Teachers Union” in Ozurgeti Municipality.

Particular attention was paid to the results of the needs research. There was a discussion about the identified problems, ways of their solution and preventive measures

This is the room of the day rehabilitation center. Courses on polymer clay are held here.

This time the work is interrupted by the psychologist's conversation. The psychologist of the Fund "Sukhumi" - Manana Gotsiridze conducts individual conversations with women. They have a lot of questions and always get competent answers.

And today the topic of conversation with the group is stress and advice from a psychologist:

In this hard period, each of us has felt stress. There is no escape from stress. In such a situation, it is necessary to be able to control emotions, otherwise emotions will begin to control us. There are two golden rules to avoid stress:

Rule No 1. Calm down, give an opportunity to the brain, to take control over the body and organs of speech.

Rule # 2. Focus and direct energy on the things that are necessary to be done.

The psychologist and lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi” are called right people. Their advice and help is essential in solving problems for many people.

During a month consultative services carried out active work the Women's Support Centers, - there were live meetings and remote consultations. Thus, 43 people received assistance.

In addition, the work was carried out with members of four crisis families. 17 beneficiaries passed individual therapy with a psychologist, a lawyer consulted 7 people.

The results are clear: resolved problems, overcome stress, peace in the family ... Based on this, a psychologist and a lawyer are really the right people for those who need help.


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