Today, in the program "The main theme of portal "Guriis Moambe" hosted to chairman of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) Lela Natsvaladze and deputy Lali Sichinava. They evaluated the results of three years of work.

Guests of the program stressed the importance of the projects, which in recent years have caused increasing awareness of society on gender issues and the growing interest.

Leaders of GAC named their visit card - a project "Cancer is not a death sentence."

There was a talk about the close cooperation between the regions and the role of local authorities in the implementation of various projects. As Lela Natsvaladze noted, on the account of the GAC there are 9 implemented projects. In the future, work will continue in that direction, what needs will be identified in cooperation with the community.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



The story of TV Company “Rioni” shows the importance of gender approach in pre-school period.
This is a story about the only men – head of kindergarten – Zaal Khonelidze an dit is an exception in our reality.
The personnel mention that there was a skeptic approach towards the new head, but soon he gained love and respect from side of the pupils.
“Good manager, good teacher, educated head” – this is his characteristics from the side of colleagues and parents (Zaal is a member of the club “who, when, where”).
“Pleasant, but very responsible”, this is how he characterizes Kutaisi, kindergarten No1.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Batumi Gender Advisory Council organized round table in March. One of the main issues was early marriage and its results.
“Gender News” of the Radio “Freedom” is continuation of this topic. Georgia takes the second place after Moldova regarding early marriage. Experts, psychologists, rights protectors invited by the GAC speak that it is not a problem of concrete family. The decision is made that from April1 1, it is punishable to marry underage person.  

The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State

The second issue of the monthly electronic informational bulletin was published in frames of the project “strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”. April activities were assumed.
As it was mentioned in the bulletin, 87 activities were held with participation of 1081 people.
The bulletin describes work and concrete results of all 6 WSCs (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha).
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)




On March 21, international day of journalistic, Senaki journalists gathered in publishing house of the newspaper “Kolkheti”. The conversation touched activities of media in formation of local gender policy.

The meeting was attended by Irakli Kacharava – chairperson of the youth department and gender equality - member of Gender Advisory Council. He spoke about a work carried out with the youth regarding gender equality and violence. there were materials in the media. There was expressed a will to continue cooperation, create special blocks and more actively answer the gender questions.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

On the order of the Found “Sukhumi”, a story about the round table held in Khoni was broadcasted on the Rioni TV, which aimed to inform citizens about inclusive approaches to human security.

The story reflected the progress of the project: how the Women's Initiative Group works in Khoni, what kind of problem was advocated with the support of local self-government, what question is advocated at this stage. The audience will listen to interviews with people who were included in the project and by whose efforts it became possible to improve the level of human security.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)
The 10-th issue of the informational bulletin was published. It summarizes the activities, conducted during the month in the project: “Strengthening of women’s rights in Western georgia”.
The issue tells about successful results and the work of Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti and Khurcha/Koki (Zugdidi Municipality) Women Support Centers.
According to bulletin, there were held 82 activities in October. 995 people participated in them.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On December 14, studio of the TV “Guria” hosted the members of Ozurgeti GAC, who spoke about results of council activities and shared quite ambitious future plans to the audience.
As the guests of the show mentioned, they are too optimistic as they have a hope of support from the side of local government and also they actively look for the new resources for satisfying local gender needs. There were revealed most prior issues – protection from domestic violence and creation of social infrastructure for stable professional integration.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The program in radio “Rioni” – was summarizing the results of the project of the fund “Sukhumi” – “Changing of the Local Government policy Towards Gender Budgeting”. In the studio “Dialogue” there were invited: coordinator of the project, member of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council, Methodist of the kindergartens and journalist of TV Company “Rioni”.
During the show there was held a conversation regarding activities in frames of the project, about the work in kindergartens, collaboration with local self-government and future prospects.
It was mentioned the positive impact of the project on its participants and gender policy of the city. There were revealed initiatives of Kutaisi GAC, which are prepared for submission in Sakrebulo and will be envisaged in 2016 budget.
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»



In broadcast of TV "Egrisi" (Senaki) TV program was aired, which deals with the problem of violence against women, its social scope and danger. This is a vital topic for Senaki, although it is still considered to be its private problem.
How do the members of the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki, members of the society, members of the Municipalities respond to the initiative of the President of the country - to declare 2015 the year of women - the story shows a picture and prospects in direction of greater social protection for women, preventive measures of protection from domestic violence.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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