On May 10, a program was aired on the radio “Rioni”, in which the director of the project "People in Need", member of the initiative group of Khoni IDPs and mobilizer of the Women's Support Center of the Fund "Sukhumi" participated. The conversation touched the attitude of IDPs to the project reform, as well as the problems of IDPs and the impact of reform on their families.

(Project of PIN - «Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" - funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic).

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

The live of Radio “Dzveli Kalaki” aired a show prepared by the fund “Sukhumi”. It publicized materials of presentation of brochure “Evaluation of women human security level in Wester Georgia”.

There was an interview, what do the women thing and what is dangerous for the women in Poti and village Khurcha, also what should be done for decreasing the risks.

The program was attended by the guests – assistant of the project of the fund “Sukhumi”, who spoke about activities in frames of the project and achieved results.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


February 28, 2017, Kutaisi


"Empowering women to develop new approaches related to conflict transformation"


Since January 15, 2017 with the financial support of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, the fund “Sukhumi” has started working on a new project aimed at empowering women on both sides of the conflict to enhance their role in society and influence the process of conflict transformation and building a sustainable Peace.

The duration of the project is 15.01.2017-15.01.2018.

Project activities will be implemented in Western Georgia.

The necessity of the project is argued by the fact that, according to common practice, in official structures on both sides of the conflict men dominate, whereas women can be successful in the "third sector". The potential and experience of women are also used in public diplomacy in a small dose.

According to the project, in order to achieve lasting peace it is very important to work with young people, especially with girls who are open to dialogue, who are able to seek and find compromise solutions for solving the most pressing problems. A significant part of the project is to increase knowledge on conflict transformation and women's participation in building peace.

The target groups of the project are young women who will gain the necessary skills to participate in peacekeeping activities; Representatives of official structures involved in the process of settling the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict; Civil society, representatives of state bodies, which are considered as supporters in achieving the main goal of the project.

As a result of the project, a safe platform will be created to discuss humanitarian problems between women activists of civil society of the conflicting parties; The role of women in decision-making on the peaceful settlement of the conflict will be enhanced; research will be conducted and proposals and recommendations will be developed for presentation to the public, a positive public opinion will be formed on the need for women to participate in decision-making, including building sustainable peace and promoting human security; The society will disseminate information about the successful experience of "women's diplomacy". This will be a step forward in the way of a positive transformation of conflicts and the building of a lasting peace.


Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi”

Kutaisi, 6 Mgaloblishvili Street

Tel: 27 29 02

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The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

On November 25, is starting informational campaign “16 active days against violence towards the women”.
On November 25, the fund “Sukhumi” helds action in towns and villages of Western Georgia.
In Kutaisi the action will be held near the City Hall, at the Memorial of Labor.
Press-briefing was devoted to exacly this issue:
It was decided:
-           Representatives of Kutaisi City Hall will take part in the action and will prepare materials for the campaign.
-           During the campaign the journalists will actively publicize the issues of prevention of domestic violence.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


TV Company “Rioni” aired a story, prepared by the fund “Sukhumi”, which publicized presentation of the brochure “Evaluation of women human security level in Western Georgia”. The event was held in the hall of Senaki Municipality with participation of representatives from different social specters.

Main topic of the story reflects opinion of the audience regarding security from different positions.

All respondents fix – the results of the research give possibility to all services to realize their responsibility, directions, where to work, as there are questions, solution of which al local level will significantly change level of human security.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)



How important is the increase in women's representation in decision-making positions? What will change with the political activity of women? What is the spirit of the society and is it necessary to support women leaders?

On these issues, the participants of a large-scale conference held in Kutaisi on June 21 on "Women's participation in politics - democracy in action" shared information with the journalists. The purpose of the conference is to summarize the results of the annual work of the Clubs of Voter Women of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Khobi, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Batumi and the development of a strategy for the future.

The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 

In Sunday's TV magazine "7 Days", it was widely illuminated participation of the Fund "Sukhumi" and its partners in the annual campaign against violence towards the women - how effective is the law of protection from violence; What is the statistics of violence; What are the mechanisms for the protection of the victim; What is the role of the NGO sector and what services are available for victims - speaking about these questions, respondents emphasized that in comparison to previous years amount of statements are increased, and victims of violence better defend their rights. It was decreased the number of people who stated that domestic violence problem is irrelevant, and first of all it is - a merit of broad public campaigns.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Ozurgeti journalists gathered in Gender Media Center. They listened to the news, which took place after last meeting in February in the GACs of Ozurgeti, Senaki and Kutaisi.
During a meeting the participants spoke about gender media center and its interesting block, concrete result of the work with media was noted: more than 20 publications and the materials on gender issues.zurgeti journalists gathered in Gender Media Center. They listened to the news, which took place after last meeting in February in the GACs of Ozurgeti, Senaki and Kutaisi.
The journalists promote to establishment of gender policy in Ozurgeti. They know their mission and are going to have more effective cooperation with gender advisory councils and local state structures.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality




Kutaisi journalists always know, how the Fund "Sukhumi" works. On March 23, they gathered in the conference-hall of the Fund for the ordinary information meeting.

The topic of the meeting was – suggestion of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council to the local self-government in terms of violence.

The problem of violence against women is considered relevant by the journalists and for many years they work in this direction. They were interested in specific questions and received answers, which will be reflected in their materials.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Olympic flame was brought on June 23, in Kutaisi. The Gender Advisory Council was involved in the process of joint project “Olympiad gives equal possibilities” – prepared by Kutaisi City Hall and the fund “Sukhumi”.
According the project different attributes were prepared: white T-Shirts with slogans – Gender Advisory Council, caps, flags, laurel crowns, hellion balloons.
The ceremony was conducted in the square of David Aghmashenebeli (Devid the Builder).    
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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