Summarizing the results of collaboration with Gender Advisory Councils, preparation of materials for final journal of the fund “Sukhumi”, preparation for regional conferences – these topics were discussed during the meetings with journalists in Senaki, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi.

These were the last meetings in frames of the project with the slogan – media should continue work on gender issues, gender stresses should be made, social problems should be raised.

Journalists showed special activity at conferences, held in Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti, where all leading media sources were presented.

In the reports made by journalists, there were revealed aspect of cooperation and prospects for the future.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” held traditional meetings with journalists in Senaki.
One of the meetings was held in the publishing-house of the local newspaper. The newspaper “Kolkheti” is an independent one in Senaki municipality. It often publicizes information regarding activities of the fund “Sukhumi” in Senaki. The conversation touched strengthening of collaboration between the fund and the staff of publishing-house in direction of publicizing gender issues.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The journalists gathered on a balcony of Senaki WSC. The meeting summarized two-year activities of Gender Advisory Council, for establishment of gender policy and collaboration of the fund “Sukhumi” with media in frames of this work.
The members of GAC talked about a joint forum, which was held in Batumi in previous month, about experience of other GACs, future perspectives.
Soon the journalists will gather on final forum or Senaki GAC project.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



A meeting with Ozurgeti journalists was held in Gender Media Center. By the information of fund “Sukhumi” representative, Ozurgeti self-government supported the plan of gender equality, developed by the Gender Advisory Council and allocated more than 500 thousand GEL implementation of gender issues in the city and municipal budgets.

This interesting information will be the issue of further materials for the meting participants. The meeting also raised the idea of media project, which was highly appreciated by the GAC.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
The meeting in the Center of Democratic Engagement was attended by journalists of newspaper “Batumelebi” and representatives of TV Company “Imedi” and “Maestro”. They got interested by the work of the Fund “Sukhumi”.
Assistant of the Fund told them about research of Batumi Gender Advisory Council in the gender aspect, about results and network meeting of GACs, which was carried out in Batumi at the end of June.
Meeting with journalists was aired in local media.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


TV show “7 Days” devoted one of its blocks to the second meeting of the GAC network, which was organized in Kutaisi by the fund “”Sukhumi”. The network meeting was held in a new format and was attended by the representatives of Sakrebulo and City Hall.

The story tells about the results, which were made as a result of network work. At the given phase the recommendations were elaborated for the action plan of protection from domestic violence, which defines the spheres of self-government in this direction and comprises of concrete issues, that should be done in direction of violence prevention and victims’ assistance.

By the evaluation of the respondents, the meeting was very productive and timely, which promotes to more involvement of self – government in the issue solution.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Kutaisi gender media center was opened in November of last year in the office of radio "Dzveli kalaki" and became a place of interesting meetings.
On April 16 is here was held a traditional meeting with journalists who are actively collaborating with the Fund "Sukhumi".
The participants were informed about the work of the Gender Advisory Councils of Senaki, Ozurgeti and Kutaisi. Their were especially interested in "Kutaisi" news, mainly the fact that the City Hall together with the Fund "Sukhumi" has funded a five-month project "Gender education in preschool." This is the first gender project of the City Hall.
The meeting was attended by trainees of radio "Dzveli kalaki" who had a desire to work in the direction of gender.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality




Kutaisi budget became gender sensitive – this was the main message of the journalists, who gathered in the fund “Sukhumi”. Majority of them actively cooperates with our organization, pays special attention to the coverage of gender issues and tries to influence the stereotypes existing in society. However, at the meeting there were also novices, for whom the work of the Fund "Sukhumi" was very interesting, and they have a desire for further cooperation.

The meeting summed up their experience in gender and outlined plans for a more active work.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

With co-financing of Kutaisi City Hall and fund “Sukhumi” there were carried out 4 projects of Gender Advisory Council. One of them “Strengthening of gender aspects in formation of local policy”. In frames of this project there was issued a magazine, which publicizes this work.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On May 24, the fund “Sukhumi” gathered representatives of local media. Journalists familiarized with the information about project of Kutaisi gender Advisory Council (GAC). "Strengthening of the gender aspects for active inclusion in the formation of local gender policies". (The project is co-financing by Kutaisi City Hall and the fund "Sukhumi").

Informational meeting was attended by coordinator of the project and the students, who passed trainings and conduct workshops themselves on gender issues in universities of Kutaisi.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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