Youth Empowerment

Working with youth is one of the priority areas of the Fund "Sukhumi". The activities carried out by the organization, imply the provision of non-formal education to young people and the development their specific skills and competencies. It mainly pertains to promoting unacceptability of violence against women and spreading the culture of non-violence and tolerance, building capacity in conflict management and prevention, which is implemented with the active cooperation with the schools and educational institutions.

There is little space in the country that can be used by young people for informal education, communication and entertainment; this is a serious challenge in the regions, especially for the youth, living in villages.

Conflict Management Groups and Youth Clubs were functioning under the auspices of the Fund "Sukhumi" in 12 municipalities of Western Georgia for three years. On their basis, Youth Centers are created, which contribute to the development of youth, raising their leadership and creative capacities. In this regard, the Fund has extensive experience: under its leadership, the School of Leader Girls has functioned for many years, which has empowered and motivated many IDP girls and became a stepping-stone for their personal and professional growth and success.

It is proved that in the early age, young people develop archetypes of behavior that can affect both their life and society. Therefore, the Fund "Sukhumi" pays particular attention to work with youth, especially with boys - to contribute to the formation of non-violent behavior and self-awareness.

Work with the youth has moved to a new stage from March 21. Agreements were signed with local governments of 10 municipalities, and the Centers for Youth Empowerment have been established in cooperation with the Youth Departments (Samtredia, Bagdati, Terjola, vani, Tkibuli, Senaki, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Chokhatauri, Kobuleti).

Discussions, held within the framework of the Youth Forum Theater and the Theater of Shadows, founded in 2008 by the Fund “Sukhumi”, contribute to dialogue between society and young people on problems as bullying at schools, intolerance and violence, and serves as an effective tool of positive communication between generations.

В июне 2021 года создан театр кукол. Первое представление было поставлено на основе грузинской сказки «Горлица», и ее главная тема толерантность, решение проблем без насилия.

In June 2021 the Puppet theatre was created. The first performance was based on the Georgian fairy tale "Turtledove". The main topic of the performance is tolerance, solution of the problem without violence.

In 2021, Youth Initiative Groups were cerated in 6 municipalities of Western Georgia (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Zugdidi). With the support of the USAID, they will carry out many important peacekeeping activities.

In this direction, the Fund "Sukhumi" carries out long-term cooperation with the International Organization Brot für die Welt.

At different times Fund "Sukhumi" cooperated with the following organizations: Kvinna till Kvinna, Embassy of Switzerland, Mama Cash, Nesehnutí, Embassy of Canada in Turkey, HumanDoc foundation, French Embassy in Georgia, organization of Armenia "Women for Development".

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