In May, interesting work was going on in all six courses (Georgian language, English, acting, photography and videography, polymer clay modeling, embroidery).

A new group of photo and video shoots was completed at the end of May. In May, a new modeling group started training. Children are very talented and have unusual vision, imagination, and skills. Maxim Belov, for example, creates incredible characters that he invents himself.

Participants in Georgian and English language courses are gradually improving their results. They read well, pronounce specific sounds, make sentences, and conduct dialogues.

In May, the psychologist also worked actively, according to plan. Conversations were held with children on the following topics: predicting feelings, managing emotions, empathy, etc. 9 group and 10 individual meetings were held.

The main thing that the project serves is a friendly atmosphere that can be felt in all courses. Children help each other, worry when someone is sick....

On May 26, all children participated in an event dedicated to the Day of Independence of  Georgia. They presented their works made during the modeling and embroidery courses, as well as their drawings. And participants in acting art courses read poetry in Georgian.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN


May 26 – Independence Day of Georgia. The Women Fund “Sukhumi” organized a celebration of this day at the Hotel “Argo”. Everything was impressive: a greeting from the leaders of the organization, a documentary film about Georgia, a performance by the puppet theater “turtledove”, the dance studio “Oasis”, which was founded in Kutaisi by a Ukrainian woman, songs and dances performed by Ukrainian and Georgian children, a singer and composer from Kyiv, a poetess from Berdyansk , beautiful cakes for birthday girls.

All participants were awarded with certificates of gratitude.

Group of children (from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) take various courses at the fund “Sukhumi”. Photos were displayed in the foyer showing the work of all the courses, handmade things from polymer clay, the participants of the acting courses performed at the concert.

The event began with the Georgian national anthem and ended with the song “Mravaljamier”.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

Along with various courses (Georgian language, English, acting, photography and videography, polymer clay modeling, embroidery), impressive events are organized for Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian children.

May 2, Day of Kutaisi - “Gviriloba” was celebrated with a master class on preparing “khachapuri” at the Hotel “Argo”. It was a real celebration of taste and skill, where everyone felt like a member of a large Georgian family.

Sensory games were organized for little participants. The culmination of the event was tasting “khachapuri” prepared by the participants.

On May 17, the children visited the TV “Rioni” and Radio. They looked behind the scenes of television work. They learned what stages a program goes through from idea to broadcast and what technologies are used. The children were especially impressed by the tour of the 105.5 FM radio station. They got acquainted with the work of radio presenters, how radio content is created, and how a live broadcast is created.

These were unforgettable days for the participants.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

The Women Fund “Sukhumi” has created a friendly space where children from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia spend their free time together.

In April, lessons were held in 6 courses - Georgian language, English, polymer clay, acting art, embroidery, photography and videography.

On April 17, the first two-month course in photography and videography ended and a new group began to work.

The two-month polymer clay course also ends in April. With the help of this course, children not only learn new things, but also tell each other stories, sing in Georgian, they especially like the song “Suliko.”

English and Georgian language courses are conducted productively. Children learn words, make sentences, conduct dialogues...

March is the last month of the project, and our support for Ukrainians is coming to an end. Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to help them, but we are trying to find new ways.

There are 398 people in our database - that’s exactly how many people received various types of assistance from us. This month, 64 vouchers were received by 46 families. 1470 GEL was paid for last three courses of chemotherapy for a cancer patient. On March 8, a group of Ukrainian refugees attended a film screening at the Hotel Argo, where the 27th anniversary of our organization was celebrated.

In March, with the financial support of another donor organization, a new project was launched - this time for children. They attend various courses created in our organization. This means that we are still trying to support Ukrainians.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Psychological meetings were held with 7 families from Ukraine. In March, a psychologist of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” met with 22 people and learned their condition, problems and needs.

Individual work is carried out with 8 people, some of them are teenagers and problems of hyperactivity, loneliness or concentration are obvious. Psychotherapy sessions have a positive effect on people who have experienced stress due to war.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Friendly environment for children is a new project in frames of which the courses for a mixed group of children are held (there are children from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, as well as children living in Kutaisi).

They come to the office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” almost every day and attend two or three courses. They study Georgian and English with interest. In addition, they attend the courses of polymer clay, acting art, sewing, photography and videography. There is also a psychological support group.

Children spend their free time from school with interest together with their teachers. They managed to make friends with each other and the first results of their training have already appeared.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

Financial support for Ukrainians who came to Georgia as a result of the war is very important, in order to start something that will give the family stability... Therefore, they participate in various grant competitions in order to receive the necessary funding to start a small business.

This is how some of our beneficiaries started their own businesses. Recently, with the support of various organizations, trainings were held for Ukrainian refugees. Participants learned to formulate business ideas and write projects. This time, two women will receive grants: Irina Khalupka and Natalya Krivitskaya. Irina will do eyelash extensions, and Natalya will do photography.

We believe that young women entrepreneurs will successfully run their businesses - before returning to Ukraine...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Yana Koshelets is 37 years old and lives in Kutaisi with her husband and 15-year-old son. They fled the war from Mariupol. At first they lived in Germany, but the boy could not get used to studying and decided to come to Georgia...

Yana is one of those who benefit from consultations of a psychologist of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”. Psychologist Manana Gotsiridze held 4 meetings with families from Ukraine in February. She met with 13 refugees for the first time and planned further therapy, an individual psycho-rehabilitation continues with 6 beneficiaries.

The work of the psychologist with children is of particular importance. The mothers note with satisfaction that after the sessions their children have noticeably changed for the better...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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