Tbilisi office

  • Tuesday, 08 February 2022
  • 2775 times

The Tbilisi office of the Women's Fund "Sukhumi" was established in 2019. Its main goal is:

  • Institutional strengthening of the organization;
  • Raising visibility of organization through the meetings with representatives of government agencies, international and non-governmental organizations;
  • Fundraising;
  • Leading evidence-based advocacy at the national, regional, and the local levels and ensuring that organizational learning is shared with key stakeholders externally to inform policy;
  • Initiate legislative or institutional changes necessary to achieve gender equality in the political and public life of the country, to increase the role and importance of women in society and the family;
  • Developing different approaches and strategies to facilitate the peaceful resolution/transformation of the conflicts in Georgia and ensuring women's participation in the peace process;
  • Assessing needs of conflict affected and internally displaced (IDP) women and girls and advocating for the solution of their plight at the international, national and the local levels;
  • Developing cooperation with media representatives to maximize coverage of organization’s achievements, services offered, ongoing projects and the existing challenges of the Fund “Sukhumi”s beneficiaries.

Structure of the organization

The chairperson of the organization since the foundation day is Alla Gamakharia.

On September 24, 2021 the meeting of founders elected Tea Torinava as an Executive Directorof the organization.

Board members:

1. Alla Gamakharia

2. Tea Torinava

3. Ekaterine Gamakharia

4. Tamar Kukhalashvili

5. Nino Chabukiani

Mission of the organization

  • Thursday, 28 January 2021
  • 3299 times

Promoting social, economic and political development of women by building women capacities, raising their social and legal awareness, supporting them to develop themselves as equal partners, active citizens and central decision-makers.


  • Friday, 22 January 2021
  • 3668 times

Our name contains the word "Sukhumi" - this is the name of our beloved city, the capital of Abkhazia.

Majority of the organization's staff is from Abkhazia, who had to flee Abkhazia as a result of the armed conflict in 1992-1993 and now they live in different parts of Georgia with internally displaced person’s (IDP) status.

At that time, many problems associated with internal displacement could only be solved by uniting and supporting each other. This was the main reason and purpose of establishment of the Cultural-Humanitarian Fund "Sukhumi". Initially, it had a charity mission, but over time, the areas of ​​ the organization’s activities expanded, and it became one of the strongest civil society organizations in the country. For more than 25 years, the organization has been actively working towards gender equality, elimination of violence against women, promotion of culture of nonviolence and women’s political empowerment.  It is actively engaged in peacebuilding and strives to ensure women’s meaningful participation in this process.

Social Networks