Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".


“The Strategy on incorporating gender-based approaches to local policy” is the title of an article published in the newspaper “Guria News” as of June 26.

The author of the article is a chairperson of Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” Alla Gamakharia. She tells that Georgia has a leading position in Caucasus for the adoption of progressive gender-sensitive laws, but nevertheless, the realization of gender-based policy leaves much to be desired.

The special emphasis is made on the project on learning experiences of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary - the so called V4 countries and using successful reforms for promotion of regional cooperation.

According to the article “For Georgia which aspires to follow the European path, experience of these countries is not only relevant and attractive but very important as it allows develop policy-oriented strategy for reforming local governance and gender mainstreaming with common efforts.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund 

“Guest in the studio” – Radio “Rioni” aired two programs on actual issues – establishment of gender components in the educational process, change of local self-government policy in direction of gender issues.
The guest of the first show was program director of GYLA Kutaisi branch, member of Kutaisi GAC – Nodar Jikia. The second show was participated by the Methodist of kindergarten – Lela Gurgenidze, member Kutaisi GAC – Nata Todua and representative if the fund “Sukhumi”  - Lali Shengelia.
While speaking with radio journalist - Nana Royui96idze, many important questions were raised, connected with raising of civil society awareness in the society.  


The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization

«The independent socio-environmental movement»


Representatives of Kutaisi GAC, Club of Voter Women, Self-government and the fund “Sukhumi” spoke about meaning of local gender policy and cooperation of the GAC with self-government and society in the program of Radio “Rioni”.
What is gender budget and how its importance is realized on the local level, what issues were revealed as a result of the research of gender needs and how the GAC is going to advocate their reflection in the future budget. It was underlined creation and meaning of the GAC network. It was mentioned that the GAC, founded by the fund ”Sukhumi”, showed in practice, how important is to support legislative initiatives by the Parliament. 
Representatives of Kutaisi Sakrebulo positively evaluated cooperation with the GAC: “We are ready to support any kind of interesting initiatives of the GAC, as the GAC sees the problems of citizens and suggests the ways of solution.”
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


TV Company “Rioni” aired a story, which tells about week camp in Kobuleti with co-financing of the Fund “Sukhumi” and Kutaisi City Hall in frames of the project “Camp of Teenagers - Gender Education for the Young Athlets”.
In organization of the camp there were actively involved members of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council, who also conducted work-shops on gender issues.
The story gives high evaluation to the project  by the chairpersons of Kutaisi self-government, who travelled to camp and met the young people. The Mayor of the city and chairperson of Sakrebulo are grateful to GAC for assistance in formation of healthy values among the youth as they voluntarily contributed to the successful implementation of the project.
The project was mentioned also by members of GAC. According to them this is a good precedent, when state and NGO sector join their resources for physical and spiritual development of the youth.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


“Cancer is not a verdict” – Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council implements project under this title, which envisages psycho-social rehabilitation of the sick people.
Story of “Guria” tells about concrete activities for the beneficiaries. The head of the project claims: “There are 50 persons involved in the project and its main message is that we live ordinary life and continue fighting”.
The project covers villages of Ozurgeti municipality and it was financed by Ozurgeti local budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Radio story tells about results of the work of Ozurgeti GAC, regarding the problems, which were revealed and how the GAC is going to answer the challenges, what projects are carried out and what are the concrete results of this work.
According to the members of GAC, it is necessary to conduct more informational activities.
The story tells that GAC project “Cancer is not a verdict” – aims at psycho rehabilitation of the people with this problem, but at the same time there is held advocacy of other issues. There is no oncologist in Ozurgeti, no local statistics of disease, there is no culture of prevention.
Members of the GAC mention that always feel support of local government, which expresses support in implementation of interesting ideas of the GAC even having poor budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



“Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting” – this is a name of fund “Sukhumi” project, in frames of which in 12 kindergartens of Kutaisi informational meetings were held regarding gender issues with the heads, teachers and Methodists.
 The story in “7 Days” tells about a project, which envisages promotion of gender education of pre-school teachers. The respondents – Mayor of the city, council members, teachers of kindergartens mention that the issue is actual and also they speak about problems, which are obvious in pre-school educational service.
 The story also relates to involvement of media.
 “The club of fathers and grandfathers”, the head of a kindergarten is a man – the meeting divided numerous new interesting vectors, related to gender issues and needs protection of the journalists.

The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization «The independent socio-environmental movement»

Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council started research of local gender needs.TV story in the air of “TV Guria” tells about focus-group with the youth in the college “Horizont”.
What isa the aim of the research, what are the scales of activities, what are the areas and timelines of the research, what methods are used for receiving data, how detailed is the information received by the council regarding the needs of target groups, in order to prepare suggestions and recommendations on their basis for the next budget. These questions will be answered by the council members – organizers of the focus-group. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The TV story is devoted to Ozurgeti GAC. Member of Sakrebulo and GAC talked about how they work on package of suggestions for self-government, what issues are discussed for lobbying: “there is intensive discussion on the meetings of GAC, regarding the forms of submitting package of suggestions and priorities regarding gender policy”.
What is the experience of submitting suggestions from the GAC in the budget, what issues were supported in previous budget, according to the project assistant, “practice of submitting gender policy plan is justified. It is better seen, what resources are on the local level, what tasks should be solved for introduction of gender policy on the places and who are responsible for it.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The story in “Egrisi” summarized the work, carried out by Senaki GAC for last period in direction of establishment of gender perspectives.
As it was seen the project, implemented by the council “Civil education for gender equality and healthy environment in Senaki pres-school unity” raised interest from the side of society and governemtnal structures. The proof of that was memorandum, signed with the council and Senaki kindergarten unity, implemented activities.
The story also showed that the council managed to increase the circle of partners and involved in its activities different governmental structures, NGO and civil society, which is aware of the actuality of the issue and highly appreciates the activities, implemented by the council.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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