Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".

Training on “Analysis of Georgian – Abkhazian conflict, gender aspects of post-conflict regulation (including creative methods)”.
The story, prepared by the journalists of TV “Rioni”, tells the audience about this interesting and strange training, about participants and once again underlines peacekeeping vision of Georgian society.
The training was held in frames of joint Georgian – Abkhazian project “Strengthening of women’s voices on the level of decision making” (donor: federal department of foreign affairs of Switzerland).
The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
 of Switzerland FDFA


On September 26 and 29, three blocks of “Gender News” were devoted to the results of the work of Batumi GAC.
By the position of the council, in future budget of the city there must be reflected recommendations, elaborated as a results of the research. There was a conversation regarding trainings with self-government staff, which covered the issues of gender education, including the most important challenge – discrimination by gender point of view and different types of violence. There were also revealed the mechanisms against domestic violence and possibilities and responsibility of self-government for problem solution.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State



A new partnership project was launched, supported by the Visegrad Fund V 4. Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" shared this information on TV "Rioni" with the audience of Western Georgia: impressions from the first meeting, the training course in Prague (Czech Republic) with all partners of the project, about the experience of 9 experts who told about their countries in terms of gender mainstreaming at the local level, about the opportunity to visit and get to know one of the municipalities - Prague 10.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund 

There were several issues touched in the program – common strategy of the GAC, main directions of the work regarding establishment of gender policy in gender budgeting on the local level. Assistants of the project summarized results of project year, spoke about results and challenges.
It was mentioned that self-government of Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti are more and more understanding towards the GAC, support their initiatives.
Chairperson of OzurgetiGAC, member of Sakrebulo – Lela Natsvaladze mentioned support of self-government not only on policy level, but in practice too, as a result Ozurgeti budget was announced as the most gender budget from the side of Parliament gender council. Local self-government considers it as a result of collaboration with the GAC.
Participants mentioned that creation of the GAC network is improved gender prospects and exchange of experience. Particular attention was paid to cooperation with parliament . It was mentioned that in nearest future the meeting will be held and now the issues joint activities are defined between the GAC network and Gender Council of the Parliament.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


What was revealed as a result of research, conducted by Senaki GAC and what is planned for advocacy of identified needs, how do the GAC members evaluate creation of network and what are their expectations on the background of coordination and cooperation, integrity of which issues are in the aims of future budget and what challenges rae noticed by the GAC members.
Opinions of Senaki GAC members regarding these issues were announced in the radio story of “Dzveli Kalaki”.
“the GACs always tried to exchange information, we are glad that the network will give more possibilities for this”, “in the previous year, part of our recommendations were envisaged by Sakrebulo. We have a hope that in this year it will be implemented with great success”, “GAC made more than it was expected. Gender is not so strange for the society. Now we have more experience and resources, so we will continue the work successfully”.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On what phase of activity is Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council, which are the projects, that will be implemented for different public groups of ozurgeti Municipality in new 2016 budget, long-term strategy for women support, where Ozurgeti GAC has a hope of local self-governmenr, successes, future plans, challenges – these issues were discussed in radio story, aired in radio “Dzveli Kalaki”.
The story also responds to the network meeting of the GACs, organized by the fund 
“Sukhumi”. It was highly appreciated by invited experts – guests, local government representatives, as the view of local government was created and recommendations were elaborated for new state action plan of protecting women from domestic violence, which will be signed in nearest future. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


A radio program of Fund Sukhumi on the topic "Local Gender Policy and Practice - Achievements and Challenges" was broadcasted on December 18 via radio "Dzveli kalaki".

What is needed to promote equal and democratic governance at the local level, how important is the gender agenda in local politicy and practice; what can become an instrument for the implementation of gender-based policies; What kind of practice exists in Georgia on gender budgeting and what is the local perspective for its large-scale implementation?

Dialogue in the studio with the author of the research was supplemented by interviews with representatives of non-governmental organizations and local executive and legislative authorities.

Particularly interesting were the visions of women who have been elected to local government during recent elections. They talked about gender budgeting, the need for gender education and capacities of local officials.

Listeners received detailed information about the project of Fund “Sukhumi“, which will propose the introduction of a gender agenda and the strategy for the implementation of gender reforms. The strategy will be based on field studies, existing international experience, large-scale meetings held during the project, which highlight local gender needs and visions and where institutional strengthening of local Gender Advisory Councils are of particular importance.

The program also announced a future meeting with stakeholders responsible for the gender policy of local self-government of Samegrelo.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund

Issues of human security - what threats were revealed for different age and social groups of women in western Georgia. Where do they feel more secure and in which areas they find it necessary to conduct significant reforms. What recommendations were developed as a result of the research and what is the feedback - the representatives of Fund "Sukhumi" spoke about the activities carried out under the joint Georgian-Abkhazian project and future strategies for the advocacy of women's issues in the air of Radio “Rioni”.

During the interview there were evaluations made in Khoni, Tskhaltubo and again there were named specific women issues. It was noted that their advocacy should be started by a group of active women.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

"Dzveli kalaki" aired a program prepared by radio journalist of the Fund "Sukhumi" about a work of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC). GAC members talk about socially important issues initiated by Gender Council, on cooperation with the local government, as well as the planned and already implemented activities.
Story highlighted the importance of the research that laid the foundation for self-government and the recommendations of the project being undertaken in terms of the development of the GAC service in sphere of pre-school education and gender education of kindergarten staff.
In the story it is said that, the Law on Gender Equality exists for 5 years, which obliged the local government, to bring local legislation into line with the law, but it did not happen. Particularly important in this regard is introduction of gender budgeting practices, which, according to respondents, is one of the main directions of the GAC. There was expressed confidence that direction of gender in the budget for 2016 will be the more visible.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality




The results of the Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC), and plans for the future – main issue of the story in radio "Dzveli kalaki" between members of the GAC and young people involved in projects implemented by the GAC.
According to the respondents, we can safely say that in the budget of Ozurgeti new gender directions appeared - encouraging of successful young people, an increase in funding of the Day center of vulnerable children, support for projects on gender education.
They pay particular attention to support of the media, gender-sensitive journalism.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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