According to the new project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia", the fund "Sukhumi" has the Women Support Centers in 9 municipalities (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Terjola, Poti, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti).

In February, the mobilizers held 27 mobilization and information meetings in the towns and villages of these municipalities, in IDP settlements, with representatives of various spheres of society. The main focus was on the project, the planned activities and services of the Fund "Sukhumi". Special meetings were held in Terjola, Ozurgeti and Lanchkhuti, where the Women Support Centers were established this year.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

In February, legal consultations were held with IDPs in Kutaisi. In 54 collective centers, 54 beneficiaries were present at the meetings. Two individual consultations were given and beneficiaries of the at-risk group were identified. Also, two crisis families and one married couple were consulted.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Consultative meetings with the psychologist were held in 9 collective centers of IDPs in Kutaisi. 54 beneficiaries participated in them. As usual, individual consultations were held after group meetings. 5 women received advice on specific problems. One married couple passed two sessions. With representatives of two families with crisis relationship, 4 sessions were held.

Telephone counseling is also practiced. The psychologist answered 5 calls.

All this work contributes to helping families at risk and preventing violence, as envisaged in the project.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

In WSCs of Senaki, Kutaisi and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality), the consultations of psychologist were attended by 31 women.
“Circle of emotions in family” – this was the topic of emotional and impressive meeting. There was a real circle of emotions.
The fact is that circle of emotions is not so easy in life. What should be done to avoid bad mood?
We should stop negative emotions and be more positive.
-Fill your life with positive impressions, keep smiling and love yourself – this was the message for women.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Personal values ​​and their relationship to domestic conflicts - discussions were held on this topic with young people in workshops in Khoni, Poti and Koki (Zugdidi municipality).

Considerations of the participants were following:

- People differ from each other by personal values. No matter how old-fashioned it seemed, family traditions are very important for me. It is also important what family will be my bride from. I'm like that, and I'll stay that way.

- I do not like that the girls from the regions, when they come to Tbilisi, become "free", forget their "I", have boyfriends. I think that one must preserve one's identity everywhere.

- If the family does not respect each other's values, there will always be conflicts

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Most television stations are politicized, and the topic of violence is not a priority for them.

- The mass media resource is not used in the prevention of violence. Journalists need special trainings to present truthful information to the society, - such opinions were expressed by young participants in the workshops in Poti, Khoni, Ganmukhuri (Zugdidi municipality).

They noted that in social networks, in the Internet space there are only negative information and it is necessary to spread positive examples that will reduce aggression in the society.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



How to manage conflicts, how to avoid aggression - young people - participants of the workshops, held in Khoni, Poti and Koki (Zugdidi municipality), made these accents. They believe that in schools in the case of violence they try not to bear responsibility, since they often do not know what to do to prevent violence.

Who should work for the prevention of violence, who are the subjects of the referral mechanism - young people listened with interest to information on this topic. In their opinion, society must understand that ignoring the problem is not an option. On the contrary, it is necessary to speak more about the scale of violence, so that everyone understands its negative consequences.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


What is the connection between domestic conflicts, the mentality and personal values, how it is possible to manage such conflicts - workshops on women's groups in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Senaki were held on this topic.

The participants formulated what for them is an identity, and joined in the discussion by discussing their stories.

- I live in the village. I think that I have a rich family - we have a lot of cows and chickens on the farm. We have enough food. This is very valuable for me. I have three sons. If the daughter-in-law declares all this is not worth for her, and she is not interested in this, the conflict is inevitable.

- I do not like when a woman smokes. In my family we have other values. If someone violates this mentality, naturally, conflicts will arise.

These were the opinions of participants in the workshops. They believe that if we want to avoid conflicts, we must respect the values ​​of other people.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


- How the problem of violence in the media is covered, how information is provided to the society about the facts of violence, and how much it serves the prevention of violence - discussions were held on these issues with women's groups in Kutaisi, Senaki, Tskaltubo. Workshops were organized by Women Support Centers.

The participants noted that the media are mainly interested in such facts when the murder has already occurred, when nothing can be improved.

According to the participants, media is one of the serious tools in the prevention of violence, and this tool should be used more effectively.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


- There are different opinions on the issue of the migration of women in society. For the sake of the majority, a woman should not leave, she should not leave her children. And they say little about the fact that a woman makes such a choice because of her family and children.

- When there are conflicts in a family, migration is often the best way out. Therefore, it is important that society has the right attitude towards the migration of women. If after the woman leaves the conflict starts, it is not only her fault, but also the other members of the family.

Such considerations were recorded at workshops with women's groups at the Women Support Centers of Poti, Senaki and Kutaisi

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks