In frames of women solidarity week, a round table was organized on the initiative of Poti WSCs.

The meeting was attended by IDPs, residing in collective centers. The round table was attended by the representatives of City Hall of Poti and Maltakva territorial unit.

During the round table the IDPs were given possibility to familiarize with social and health programs and also with activities, planned for the youth. They could fix their problems before the representatives of local self-government – this is the guarantee of collaboration and problem solution.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Rights of children and parents – this topic was interesting and it was obvious during the youth clubs in Khoni, Poti, Kutaisi.

The informational meetings were mainly attended by pupils. Some of them were passive, actively involved in the discussion. But majority of young people were actively discussing actual issues.

One of the participants mentioned: “I am interested in this topic. This is necessary issue, which is not discussed in such context in schools, during the lessons of civil education”. 

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
On August 4, ordinary meeting of the Club of Voter Women was held in the Fund “Sukhumi”. The attendants heard information regarding the work of Gender Advisory Council.
Afterwards, traditionally there were raised problems existing in the city, advocacy of which was decided. It was decided to send a letter in the Minister of Healcare, regarding problem of insurance.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


At the Club of Women Voters of Senaki the problem of resettlement of IDPs living in sanatorium "Colchis" was raised.  It was noted that the Ministry for IDPs stretched consideration of application under the program "House in the country", and at this time, due to the appreciation of the dollar, houses and apartments went up - part of IDPs still wait for receipt of housing.
Member of the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki (GAC) Gvantsa Malania spoke about the work of GAC in preschool premises on gender issues.
Moderator of the Club Dina Giorgadze presented the participants of meeting with Easter gifts, allocated by the Women's Union "Women for Peace and Justice."

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Ordinary meeting of Batumi Club of Voter Women was devoted to presentation of project activities with political parties. The meeting was attended by representatives of several parties, who familiarized with the work of the fund “Sukhumi” and directions of the club. There were discussed the aim of signing memorandum with political parties and necessity of joint work for activating women and solution of their problems. From the side of party representatives there was expressed readiness of cooperation with the club

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


During a meeting of the women voters of Khoni, the participants assessed the first round of parliament elections and spoke about future prospects. It was mentioned that for more representation of women in parliament, it is necessary to work more. That is why they are going to be more active, in order to see more women in Sakrebulo after the elections. At the end of meeting club members chose problems for advocacy, created a group of advocacy. Each of them has a great interest and mood, in order to solve as many problems as possible.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


The meeting of the Club of Women-Voters, held at the Center for Civic Engagement of Ozurgeti was attended by Deputy of Ozurgeti Sakrebulo - Irina Sajaia and members of the Gender Advisory Council.

It was noted that the project was completed. At the end of the project, the evaluator wants to meet with activists of the Club. They have already started preparation for this meeting - remembered the work and discussed the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities.

For them the main thing is - that the club continues to work in frames of new project. Therefore, women have identified the areas, in which they will work in future.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Meeting of Ozurgeti Club of Women Voters was devoted to discussion of the topic of violence against women. Club members learned about the history of the campaign of 16 days, heard information about urgency of the problem of violence and the mechanisms for its eradication. It was noted club activities in this regard. The participants mentioned that the local government is ready to cooperate in this direction.

During the meeting it was mentioned that the problem advocated by the Club is already solved - the city council has allocated financial aassistance for the woman who is in critical condition, and now she can cover the house with the roof.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


In Zugdidi there was held ordinary meeting of the club of voter women. Following issues were discussed: women in politics after parliament elections of 2016, planning of advocacy campaign.

The participants received information about gender aspects of parliament elections. There was chosen a group of advocacy and there was underlined a problem for advocacy.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


On November 11 there was held ordinary meeting of Zugdidi club of Women Voters. Club members reviewed the results of the second round of parliamentary elections, also planned activities for the 16 day campaign against violence towards women.

During the meeting there was discussed the problems existing in the city and the most prior issues were identified for advocacy.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 

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