In the Center of Democratic Engagement there gathered the members of the Club of Voter Women of Batumi. Participants of the meeting spoke about the issues, advocacy of which was carried out also defined the needs of new beneficiaries and strategy of advocating their problem. In parallel with other issues, it was decided to advocate the question of free psychological conultations for the disabled in the Ministry of Health and social care.

At a meeting of the club there was distributed information about government social programs. They decided that the advocacy group comes to all relevant government services to obtain detailed information about the programs and groups, who are the beneficiaries and helps to use these programs.

It has been said that the Club of Women Voters and the Gender Advisory Council are trying to contribute to citizens' communications, and first of all the women's groups, with local government.


The club of voter women started advocacy of the problem of one of the residents of Urekhi Street. The family lives in poverty, they were left without social assistance and attention. There is disabled person in family, who needs special care. The main necessity is roofing. The meeting was attended by Zaza Khimshiashvili – deputy of Mayor’s representative. He mentioned that will assist in problem solution.

The meeting was attended by the representative of cherity organization “Ialkani”. In frames of this project it will be possible to provide this family with everyday meals.

The club will also discuss the issue of involvement in the campaign of 16 active days.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


The meeting discussed results of parliament elections. Unfortunately Tskaltubo did not resent women candidates and it was mentioned by the club members.

The second part of the meeting was devoted to the definition of problems, which will be advocated by the Club. First of all, there was allocated question of transportation of  students and teachers.

It was agreed to prepare a letter to the local government's name, and at the next meeting to invite people who can resolve this problem.

Club of Women-Voters expressed a desire to be actively involved in the campaign of 16 active days against violence towards the women. Specific activities were planned.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


Ordinary meeting of the club of women voters of Khobi was devoted to discussion of social programs, which were drafted in the local budget of 2017. Detailed information about programs was presented by the main specialist of Gamgeoba for social issues – Tsinara Jobava.

It was mentioned that majority of beneficiaries of the local programs are women – 90%.

Social programs include financial assistance for mothers with many children, single mothers, orphans, financial assistance for the third third or more children, etc. Club members noted that it would be appropriate to support pregnant women, as the timely visit to the doctor gives birth of a healthy generation.

And the most important innovation - the local budget this year for the first time allocated a certain amount of one-time assistance for victims of domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 

On December 9, in frames of the campaign of 16 active days, there was held a discussion of Ozurgeti Club of Voter Women. The members of the club were given the symbols of the campaign – white ribbons, calendars, informational sheets.
They mentioned that during many years, they are actively involved in the activities of the fund “Sukhumi”, participate in the actions, in different activities and protested all forms of violence.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality




During the meeting of Kutaisi Club of Women Voters, the members of the club talked about their inclusion in the international campaign of “16 active days against gender violence”. They noted that informing in comparison with the previous years has raised, the population knows more about preventive mechanisms.

The club members on their initiative conducted informational meetings. This issue was also touched during the club meeting.

The club traditionally elected several problems with the aim of advocacy and solution. 

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


Meeting of Kutaisi Club of Voter Women began in not so ordinary format. The women, who cooperate with the fund ”Sukhumi” for years, were given the award of “honorable members” and were awarded by the diplomas. In the interview for the TV story the women mentioned that they learned lots of things in the club – mainly defining priorities and advocate problems.

The women discussed the response of superior of the service for city cleaning to a letter sent after the last meeting.

The meeting was interesting by the fact that there was invited to a gynecologist, who answered all questions from the audience.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Members of Batumi Club of Voter women gathered according ordinary schedule. Advocacy group presented short overview of conducted work, also recorded new questions, which were put by the women.

Chairperson of local self-government mentioned, that these issues should be reacted and thanked them for civil activism and participation in local social policy.

Club members also defined the issues for advocacy for the central structures, mainly – the ministry of Labor, Health and Social Care.

Feedback revealed vision of the members of the club regarding future activities.


In Batumi, in the "House of Friendship" there was held a meeting of the Club of Women-Voters. During the meeting, there was a conversation about the resumption of the work of the club and plans for the future, about the aims and objectives of the new project. Participants shared opinions and ideas for productive work. It is very important for them to keep activeness of the club, which is very important for Batumi.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 

cxaltubo nini

Informational meeting of the youth club devoted to women’s solidarity day was held in Tskaltubo – public school No1.
It was interesting meeting, inter-active, conversation with the youth on interesting issues and active discussion.
Participants expressed satisfaction and a great desire to attend similar meetings more often.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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