It all happens after our meetings. One meeting / training is held per month and from training to training children express their views: what they have learned, what they like and what they worry about, in different ways.

Video clip, prepared by Samtredia Group, information meetings held by Zugdidi and Kobuleti groups and many else: diagrams, letters to parents, comics, videos, paintings, presentations...

We call these events initiative ones, because they reflect our training. The topics of the meetings held in the ten youth centers in February were: conflict, ethics, aesthetics, relationships of parents and children. The activities carried out by the leaders of the centers were also dedicated to these issues.

All activities are posted on the Facebook pages of the Fund "Sukhumi" and schools and the number of views is thousands ... 787 people took part in the activities. The activity would be much higher if the schools had not switched to online teaching. The youth direction of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" is still quite popular and this is the best result of our active work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

“Haven House” is the first women shelter opened in California in 1964, which probably stood in a beautiful green yard. Just like our rehabilitation / crisis center in one of the picturesque districts of Kutaisi. Here is coziness in every corner, where you can enter and relax.

A woman, who is in difficult situation, but does not have a victim status and therefore cannot be addressed to a shelter can come here. Before undergoing proper procedures, a woman can stay in this perfect environment for some time.

A social worker, a psychologist and a lawyer help a conflict – affected woman to find the way forward: alleviate the situation. If necessary, they prepare the necessary documents.

Women have the opportunity to study new professional skills, that will help them to earn an income. All this will make a woman more active, strong, self-confident, she gets aware of her rights and she will be able to defend her and her children's rights.

On the world map, where there are thousands of points of hope for women victims and their children, one is ours - with beautiful and distinctive Kutaisi exoticism and unique aroma of Sukhumi coffee.


Follow our Rehabilitation Center - in our blog

Business planning, the essence of marketing and its importance, marketing strategy, business operations, management and legal issues, financial management - two-day training on these issues was held for the beneficiaries of the day rehabilitation center.

The Women Fund "Sukhumi" gave them the opportunity to master new professions, acquire new knowledge and skills, and after training they will be able to write business projects.

The next stage is the competition of business ideas. Beneficiaries of the day rehabilitation center will participate in the competition. The authors of the best ideas will receive small grants that will promote their employment and well-being.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Women empowerment, their support means advocating for issues that are particularly high priority for women. Winter and bad weather created new challenges, and appeals to Women Support Centers also increased. The mobilizers of the Centers try to solve the problems with the help of the self-government.

Single mother in Kobuleti and socially vulnerable family n Tkibuli, were given firewood according to the municipal program. The advocacy process to support a woman victim of violence was successfully completed in Senaki - the family will receive benefit from the self-government program.

These issues were revealed at the monthly information meetings held by the mobilizers of the Center. 47 people attended information meetings in Kobuleti, Senaki and Tkibuli.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

- There are women around us who live with these problems. Information should reach every family and every woman should feel that she is not alone in case of violence – this is the opinion of meeting participants. They will spread the received information in different communities and thus help to prevent the cases of domestic violence.

Monthly information meetings in Bagdati, Koki (Zugdidi Municipality), Samtredia, were attended by representatives of various communities. According to the mobilizers of the Women Support Centers, the society still needs information on issues of violence in order to properly assess the results.

The meetings promoted to identify cases of violence. The number of people, who need help, was increased. The psychologist and the lawyer of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” started working on specific cases identified in Koki and Bagdati.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

"Violence Prevention and Victim Protection" - a round table on this topic was held by the Women Fund "Sukhumi". The meeting was attended by the referral unities  under the Law on Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence from Ozurgeti and Poti municipalities - representatives of the Criminal Police, Social Service Agency, Local Self-government, Educational and Medical institutions.

The lack of joint efforts and coordination at the local level was highlighted. The participants talked about the ways of violence prevention and victim assistance. As a result of group work, factors hindering and promoting coordination were identified. It was outlined how to improve coordination and intensify work with the involvement of local referral unities.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The last meetings of the six-month training course of the Youth Empowerment Centers were held. The meetings were attended by 97 participants from Samtredia, Bagdati, Terjola, Tkibuli and Vani municipalities.

The high interest of the participants to the topic “Ways of conflict resolution, norms of ethics and aesthetics, relationships between parents and children, problems and reasons”. was obvious.

Summarizing event will be held in March, which will be attended by representatives from all ten municipalities. Young people will continue to work actively in their schools - 10 leaders from 5 centers will make presentations and share their knowledge with groups of students.

Children's letters to parents were special in this month. The trainers asked the participants to write a message for their parents, to express their love, thoughts, wishes ... Quite large and good material was collected and will be published on our website as a success story.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

“I had complexes”... you watch her, talk to her and you can not imagine that five years ago she was modest and afraid to appear before the audience.

She has achieved much in these five years! Even a simple list will show you how much work and diligence is behind these successes:

Irma Bregadze – student of 11th rade of Zeda Simoneti Public School, active participant of the projects of Terjola Municipality Youth Center, organizer of youth events of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", semifinalist of the program FLEX, member of the theatrical troupe of MAC Georgia...

Let’s follow Irma's path to success step by step.

Irma Bregadze: “I was in the 6th grade when we were told to start working on the topic of conflicts. I became interested and attended. I remembered the very first lesson. This was my direct contact with the Fund "Sukhumi", when trainer Lela Shengelia conducted a ten-module training course on conflict management".

Fund "Sukhumi" gathered the local referral unities in Khoni and Lanchkhuti municipalities at an online round table: representatives of local self-government and police, members of the Gender Equality Council, social services, teachers attended the meeting. Presentation of the research was held at the meeting. The presentation in terms of monitoring the services available to victims was held by the Fund “Sukhumi”.

The meeting focused on the situation with the identification and assistance of victims of violence throughout the municipality. Round table participants also received information on the new website "Digital Resource Center for Victims of Violence", which contains useful and necessary information.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Findings and recommendations in the monitoring report of the Women's Fund "Sukhumi" - "Development of Child Care Services - to Promote Women's Employment and Ensure Effective Prevention and Response to Domestic Violence" were presented to the representative of the State Employment Promotion Agency - Ana Bendeliani by representatives of the Tbilisi office - Nino Korinteli and Linda Chikhladze.

At the meeting, both parties were allowed to share their experiences. Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" focused on the specific needs for the employment of vulnerable women, which are discussed in detail in our study, and also talked about the barriers that our beneficiaries face daily.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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