The Center for Psychosocial Services of the Resource Officer of the Educational Institution informed the representatives of international, professional state and non-governmental organizations operating in Georgia about the results of the activities carried out in the last 6 months and the current projects.

Our representative - Linda Chikhladze also attended the meeting, who shared the experience of working with up to 100 schools of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" in Western Georgia in the field of violence prevention, gender equality and establishment of a tolerant environment. She also expressed personal sympathy for piloting of school mediation and, according to her own experience, focused on the need and timeliness of Peer Mediation in public schools.

Nowadays Nino Chanishvili is the Deputy Chairman of Ozurgeti City Council and the Chairman of the Gender Equality Council. However, she has gone through quite a difficult and interesting way so far. She lives in a small village of Ozurgeti, where she used her father's minibus as a daily transportation, surprising those around her. Later, she came up with the idea of founding her own driving school and she was able to do so even though she faced many challenges from the public because of her gender in this field. She was able to overcome all obstacles, stereotype that hindered the achievement of the goal, she became a successful car driving teacher, she is an active female politician who leads gender policy in local government and is also the mother of a small child.

“Injicio” is a Latin word and means some kind of challenge. Initiation is a chemical process when a chain reaction begins with external influence.

In order not to confuse you, this is a manifestation of the initiative.

We talk about young people and this is our intention - active young people take initiatives.

The Women Fund “Sukhumi” operates in 10 municipalities (Samtredia, Terjola, Bagdati, Vani, Tkibuli, Senaki, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Chokhatauri, Kobuleti). Previously, youth clubs were formed in separate schools in the city / village, meetings were held. Now municipalities are creating Youth Empowerment Centers, which bring together representatives of different schools.

During the 6-month training course, participants get acquainted with various topics, with the technique of conducting meetings. And from the first month they begin to conduct activities in their schools. After completing the full course, the most active ones are given the title of trainer.

It is difficult to single out any school, the initiated events are held everywhere. Children practically implement what they have learned, and they really like it.

In the second half of June, two more women with children were placed at the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" on the recommendation of one of the Women Support Centers. There were 7 beneficiaries. Lawyer, psychologist, social worker have an important role in the process of rehabilitation. They work in a complex manner. The work of the teacher is of particular importance, who tries to make the days spent in the center interesting for the children.

When children are having fun, mothers feel safe. They are happy and it is felt in their words:

- Many thanks to everyone for the warmth, comfort, delicious food for the smiles of our children, for the strength you give us...

- These days I sleep calmly, my head does not hurt. I receive a lot of positive and useful information. Thanks to everyone who gives this comfort to us...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Marina Stepanenko was going to visit Kutaisi this spring. A friend invited and she wanted to see this city for a long time.

She appeared there earlier than expected. Because of the war in Ukraine. On March 8, together with the children, she flew in from Poland.

Her Facebook post:

"Georgia. Warm, kind, comfortable. At the exit from the airport, the contacts of those arriving from Ukraine are recorded, accommodation options and a free lunch is offered. They provide a phone number for emergency calls. We came here with children. We arrived from Krakow.

Representatives of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" came to visit her during the first days of her arrival. They shared her worry about her family, husband and parents, who remained in Kyiv. They brought food, toys, clothes. Then they found out that she was a psychologist and realized that she could help the women from Ukraine best of all.

Marina notes:

There is a good news: Kutaisi Municipality has approved our proposal for free travel on public transport for Ukrainians. Food vouchers are also issued in the amount of 100 GEL per person, and they still help with accommodation cost.

122 people - this is our contact base. These refugees from Ukraine are now in Georgia and contact us.

In June, assistance was provided to 16 families, for some of them it was for the second time, and one family received it for the third time, since no one helps them except our organization. The list of volunteers is growing: private people addressed us with an offer to help vulnerable families. Some of the families were transferred money, others were provided with household items. A stroller for a newborn baby was found, sent it to Rustavi with other accessories for the baby.

Our dear Ukrainians participated in two events organized by the Women Fund "Sukhumi":

June 1, International Children's Day, Ukrainian women and children were invited to our office. For them, a presentation of delicious Georgian dishes, which were prepared by the employees of the Fund was held. The guests were also presented with memorable gifts. The women shared their stories. There were many happy and sad moments.

“Every new month brings new opportunities for growth in terms of civic education. I am glad to meet you as we talk about topics that are the biggest challenge for our generation.”

“The pandemic has brought isolation, alienation… And these trainings provide an opportunity for frank conversation, exchange of opinions and definition of personal role.”

These are the words of training participants.

The Women Fund “Sukhumi” held the last June trainings at the Youth Empowerment Centers of Senaki, Samtredia and Kobuleti municipalities.

Thus, an active training course on the topics of conflict escalation and gender equality came to an end.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Senaki, Terjola, Kobuleti, Samtredia, Didi Nedzi (Zugdidi municipality) these are the places of meetings with a psychologist, where 35 beneficiaries participate in individual and group sessions. Online psychotherapy sessions were passed by 10 beneficiaries and psychotherapeutic work was carried out with 17 beneficiaries (including 3 new ones) in Kutaisi, in our office.

Results of work:

One part of the beneficiaries overcame old traumas, the other part restored their peace of mind. The crisis family began to work on resolving the conflict. 3 victims of violence were identified, with whom the sessions will continue.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

- Society should have information on how to act in case of violence, how to help the victim. The more people are informed, the more effective the response will be - this is the general opinion of the meeting participants.

Informing is an important segment in the work of the Women Support Centers, on the basis of which the problem is identified and further response is made. The meetings held in the Women Support Centers of Terjola, Kobuleti and Samtredia have already brought results: women, together with the mobilizers of the centers, are working to protect their rights and receive existing services.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The Fund "Sukhumi" has three theaters: a forum theater, a shadow theater and a puppet theater.

This month, the puppet theater became more active, it began rehearsals and held performances.

On June 1, on Children's International Day, a performance "The Turtledove" was held for the kids, who were in the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". The children really enjoyed the performance. Their favorite characters spoke about friendship and love in a language they understood.

On June 20, on the International IDP/Refugee Day, young actors came out in front of the audience in Kutaisi, in the "Park of Love". The topic of tolerance, expressed in the words of puppets, turned out to be interesting for the audience.

There were cheers, applause, photo sessions…

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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