"The best practice of the support and assistance for the people affected by the war" - this was the topic of the training held for Fund "Sukhumi" staff.

Trainer Keti Vasadze provided the participants with the information about the program developed by the European Council and gave them the opportunity to discuss concrete ideas, actions and ways of advocacy through practical exercises with the involvement of interested parties, which will contribute to more effective support of people affected by the war.

Many positive examples were given about the activities of the Fund “Sukhumi” in terms of helping Ukrainian refugees and what certain steps should be taken in the future to give them possibility to find job and be integrated into the local community.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Teachers, parents, members of the Gender Equality Council took part in the information meetings held in the schools of Tkibuli and Senaki municipalities.

The topic of conversation was the importance of society's participation in elimination of the problem of violence against women. In this process, a certain role is assigned to the website of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” - "Digital Resource Center of Services for Violence Victims" https://sosfsokhumi.ge/Here you can find a lot of information that will help to determine ways of violence prevention or ways to respond to it. Participants noted how important the activity of each member of society is for problem solution.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

The problem of violence against women and the importance of public participation in its elimination - meetings on this topic were held in Vani and Kobuleti. The meeting in the public school of the village Mtisdziri (Vani municipality) was attended by teachers and upper graders and in the kindergarten No 2 of Kobuleti, the coordinator of the children's rights department of the City Hall and the chairman of the Gender Equality Council, together with the staff.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Teachers, members of the Gender Equality Council, City Hall staff and representatives of the social agency participated in information meetings at the City Hall of Khobi municipality. An information meeting was also held at the public School No 3 - Samtredia and was attended by teachers and school administration.

During the meetings, it was noted that, envisaging the importance of the problem, it is important for everyone to take part in the campaign of 16 Active Days against Gender-based Violence.

The participants got acquainted with the digital resource center for violence victims https://sosfsokhumi.ge/, which aroused great interest. It was noted that it is important to disseminate information about this page so that both victims and abusers can receive information about mechanisms of protection and response. All this will contribute to the prevention of violence.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Two more information meetings were held in December with the support of the Equality Fund (Canada).

The first meeting was held in the conference hall of Chokhatauri City Council (participants: kindergarten teachers and directors), the second meeting was held in the school of the village Etseri - Terjola municipality (participants: high school students and teachers).

During the meeting they talked about the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence and the importance of community involvement in the process of eliminating violence. Everyone noted that active participation is needed in order to reveal the facts in time and then react to them.

The participants got interested in the web page of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - https://sosfsokhumi.ge/, which contains comprehensive information about the mechanisms of response and victims’ support.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Information meetings on the issues of violence were held at the social agency of Senaki municipality and online with a group from Zugdidi municipality. Representatives of various vulnerable groups actively participated.

On the background of frequent cases of femicide in the country, the web page of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - "Digital Resource Center of Services for Violence Victims" aroused great interest of the audience. The participants believe that information about this page should be delivered to the general public - this will have a positive impact in terms of violence prevention.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

“I was given back hope that I was not alone. This support is very important for me at this stage.”

“Now I needed to feel the assistance in order to more boldly continue the difficult independent path.”

This feedback followed the fifth phase of the action under a project supported by the Equality Fund - Canada. The action was held in the Women Support Centers of Terjola, Bagdati, Chokhatauri, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi and Kobuleti - 8 women from vulnerable groups received mobile phones with SAFE YOU applications and an SOS button as a gift. The action was carried out together with representatives of local governments, so that they could become better acquainted with the social situation of the beneficiaries.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Women representing the local community, teachers, nurses and kindergarten teachers attended the information meeting in the clinic of Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality). The information meeting was also held in Rokhi (Bagdati municipality) in a different format - young people and teachers took part in it.

The website https://sosfsokhumi.ge/ aroused great interest among the participants. It was noted that now, when the facts of femicide have increased, it is necessary to inform people through the website about municipal and other services, which are so important for women victims of violence.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Representatives of various vulnerable groups actively participated in the information meetings held in Terjola and Akhalsopeli (Senaki municipality).

The participants noted that such meetings and receiving correct information are of great importance in the situation when the number of femicide facts increase. They got acquainted with the website of the Women Fund "Sokhumi" https://sosfsokhumi.ge/.

According to them, the mentioned webpage should be distributed to the general public, which will have a positive impact in terms of violence prevention.


The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

In September, information meetings were held in a different format. Young people and teachers were actively involved in them. The meetings were held in the public schools of Zeda Vani and Tskaltubo.

The webpage https://sosfsokhumi.ge/ aroused great interest in the audience. It was noted that in an environment where femicide has increased, it is important to spread the information on this page widely. Young people, as active users of the Internet, saw their role in this. Access to information about existing municipal services in this regard, was also mentioned as relevant.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Social Networks