Meetings of the initiative group in Zugdidi

  • Tuesday, 12 October 2021
  • 1035 times

Requirement: to carry out installation of external lighting and benches on sports grounds. Koki Women Initiative Group works to address the problems identified in the community. The group members discussed what changes need to be made to the advocacy plan and what resources to include.

Zugdidi Women Initiative Group also continues the advocacy process - the members of the group are trying to clear the area near the IDP settlement from thorns and are acting according to the prescribed plan.

At a regular meeting, members of Koki youth initiative group spoke about the project "Healthy Environment for a Better Future" - how the work was conducted, what results were achieved. This was their project debut and they are very pleased.

“Success of young people begins with such projects”, mentioned one of the group members.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID


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