Members of Khoni Women Initiative Group continue the research in frames of "Assessment of the quality of human security "

  • Tuesday, 13 February 2024
  • 281 times

This group will conduct four focus groups at this stage. The members got acquainted with the main goals and objectives of the research, defined the target groups and distributed the responsibilities. Representatives of local self-government attended the meeting. Members of the second Women Initiative Group, will continue the research in frames of "Assessment of the quality of human security" using the method of in-depth interview. At this stage, this group will work with four predetermined and selected respondents. The members of Khoni Youth Club were trained on the topic "Disinformation and the mechanisms of combating it", the essence and importance of media literacy. The participants were involved in the theoretical and practical part of the training. Young people learned how to distinguish real and fake information, acquired the necessary skills to fight misinformation.

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