Work of the youth and women initiative groups of the village Koki

  • Tuesday, 08 October 2024
  • 126 times


On October 8, a training organized by the Women Fund "Sukhumi", was held with young people in the public school of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality. The topic of the meeting was: "Mediation as a Ritual of Reconciliation”. The aim of the training was to make the young people understand the importance of mediation, to develop the necessary skills on how to manage conflict with these methods. Members of Koki Youth Club attended the training. In the first part, a small historical speech was made on how mediation was used in the distant past. Parallels were also drawn between mediation, legal frameworks and the present day. The second part of the training was devoted to the essence of mediation and a detailed discussion of the skills that a mediator should be equipped with. In the third part, role-playing games were conducted, which allowed the participants to practically prove the theoretical materials received. The participants evaluated the training positively. At another working meeting the members of Koki women initiative group talked about the role of rural women in the development of the country. According to the participants, it is important to promote and appreciate them. The meeting was dedicated to the International Day of Rural Women, which is celebrated on October 15.

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