Despite the school holidays, the training course continues at the Youth Empowerment Centers.

5 trainings were held - with Terjola, Samtredia, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha and Khobi groups. Young people openly spoke about the results of the course and the changes they feel and see. They started preparations for the final meetings where they will present their presentations. It is important that the participants of the training actively participate in various youth events held in the municipalities. This is also one of the results of our work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Problem tree, strengths and weaknesses of the Women Initiative Group, opportunities and risks associated with solving problems - these issues were discussed by members of Zugdidi Women Initiative Group at the regular information meeting.

They identified priority issues, discussed ways to address them, and began to work on an advocacy plan.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

The members of the youth club of Khoni municipality evaluated the project "Say no to violence!". With the help of the forum theater method, the audience was shown an acute and actual problem that exists in real life. The young people noted that they coped with this unfamiliar challenge with dignity and earned a positive evaluation from the society. The members of the first women initiative group of Khoni will work on the training of personnel in the field of construction in order to face modern challenges. The members of the second group chose the problem of homeless dogs for advocacy. At the meetings, both groups worked on the plan and activities. The responsible persons were selected and the deadlines were determined.

Envisaging the recommendations, Tskaltubo women initiative group, chose the most actual problem: "Marijuana use among adolescents", and "Reflection of youth needs in municipal programs". Group members worked on an advocacy plan. It describes the activities which are necessary to solve the problem, defines the deadlines and responsible persons. The members of the youth group of Tskaltubo public schools No 1 and No 4 evaluated the projects implemented within the framework of the mini-project. According to the participants, working on the project gave them a lot of experience. They believe that they were able to discuss the issues of domestic violence, bullying, gender equality and think about a solution using forum-theatre. According to the participants, the discussion on these topics will help to prevent the problem of violence and reduce aggression in society.

Kutaisi women initiative group starts to work on the problems identified as a result of the human security research. The members of the group will try to solve two acute and actual problems - to inform teenagers about the dangers of alcohol and drugs and to study the existing sub-programs in the municipality, as well as to advocate for another necessary program. The members of the group worked on the advocacy plan, outlined the activities, determined the responsible persons and deadlines. The members of the youth club talked about the project "Bullying and its types", discussed the challenges and skills they were able to develop within the project. Certificates of participation in the project were given to the young people. New members joined the club. They received information about the activities of the club and the Fund "Sukhumi". Public activities were held in order to bring the members closer.

Members of the women group of the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality discussed the actual issues identified according to the results of the conducted research. Insufficient garbage bins in the village were identified as a problem. The second issue is the lack of fast internet. There is internet in the village, but it is of low quality, therefore the members of the group work to advocate the introduction of such company that will have a quality internet and television package.

Members of the women's initiative group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality summarized the problems identified as a result of the research. For women who live in Khurcha, the lack of lighting on the central road is a safety problem. This is the road from the central bridge to the border of Abkhazia. The failure of the drainage channels was named as also important problem, which itself concerns the economic security, as crops and plants are damaged during heavy rains. The members of the youth group evaluated the project implemented within the mini-project. During the meeting, a discussion was held about the problem presented by the forum theater, ways of solution and the possibility of involving young people in the process were discussed.

The women initiative group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality selected actual problems from the conducted research. The members of Didinedzi youth group evaluated the project implemented within the mini-project. According to them, they were able to send specific messages against violence to the society through the forum-theatre. The youth group plans to hold forum theater performances regarding a number of problematic issues

Family conflicts, discrimination, bullying, gender equality, femicide - these topical issues were chosen by young people for their mini-projects. Within the framework of the project, forum-theaters were created on the basis of Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Zugdidi youth initiative groups. Two scenarios were prepared in each group. During two months, young people held 42 meetings using the forum-theatre format. Meetings were held in different locations: towns and villages schools, settlements, public places. Number of discussions was held on the issues of gender equality, bullying, domestic violence and femicide. During the meetings, the participants discussed the relevance of the problems and discussed ways to solve them.

On June 26-27, 2023, Ekaterine Gamakharia, the representative of the Women's Fund "Sukhumi," participated in a regional conference organized by the Global Network of Women Peace Builders (GNWP) and supported by the OSCE. Elene Rusetskaya, the head of the Women's Information Center, and Yulia Kharashvili, the head of the Displaced Women's Association "Consent," also attended the conference from Georgia.

The conference brought together women mediators and peace builders from the South Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. The primary objective of the regional conference was to develop a roadmap for civil society networking and advocacy in the field of peace building.

During the conference, the participants actively shared the progress of the implementation of the "Women, Peace and Security" agenda in their respective countries. They discussed existing experiences, challenges, and best practices related to participation in the peace-building and decision-making processes.

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