At the meeting held in March, the members of Tskaltubo women initiative group talked about the topic of women solidarity and its importance. “Solidarity is important in any issue, it is strength, support, empathy that determines success” - this was the mood of the participants. Most of their wishes are related to peace, the well-being of their families and loved ones and to the creation of a better environment. Women leaders who changed the environment, what is solidarity and why do we need it - the members of Tskaltubo youth group discussed these issues in Tskaltubo public schools No 4 and No 1. Exercises were performed and a discussion was held during the meeting.

Information meetings were held with the members of Khoni women initiative group. The participants received information about the International Women's Solidarity Day. They talked about challenges and once again voiced the message - peace, calmness and health. During the meeting, the problems and gaps, revealed during the qualitative research were also mentioned. Khoni youth club is also active. An interesting performance of the forum theater was staged in the youth club of Khoni public school No 3, in the creation of which the whole group actively participated. Current, important and acute problems observed by the young people were transformed into scenarios by the participants.

What do women want, what do they dream of, what are their goals, what does women solidarity mean - the members of Senaki women initiative group discussed these issues during March meeting. The women once again voiced their messages - "Peace and harmony in the family and in the country is the first priority for us!" we want our young people to have the opportunity to find themselves! We want to have less migration of women and less children growing up without mothers! "Bullying among young people, the perception and unacceptability of the different people and opinions, the stress of alienation - with the scenario based on this case, the members of Senaki youth group voiced their opinion in a forum-theatre format. Young people clearly presented this actual problem.

The issue of women's solidarity was discussed at another meeting held with the women initiative group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality. According to the participants, solidarity and mutual support have great power. The meeting was also held in the youth group, where the work on the scenes staged by the method of the forum-theatre continues. Young people wrote the scenario and bullying among teenagers was chosen as the main topic.

 Information meetings were held in Tsalenjikha municipality. The members of Pakhulani women's initiative group spoke about the International Women's Solidarity Day. They reviewed the challenges women face today. During the meeting, they expressed the hope that all people will have peace and health, and they also talked about the problems and gaps identified during the qualitative research.

The work of the forum-theater continues in the youth group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality. The young people wrote a scenario on the topic of bullying. This is their first independent work in forum theater direction. As for the women's initiative group, this time they talked about women's solidarity and its importance, as well as peace and prosperity.

At the meeting, the participants were also informed about the practical guide/toolkit: "Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in war and post-war settings - experiences and recommendations of women's NGOs", which was developed by the WAVE Network in collaboration with its four WAVE members in 2022 by the support of the OSCE. The Toolkit describes best practices and the strategies employed by the women's NGOs to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in different phases of conflict.

 Strategies during Wartime and emergency response settings were shared by Ukrainian and Armenian partners Sexual Assault Crisis Center (Yerevan, Armenia), Centre “Women’s Perspectives” (Lviv, Ukraine);

 Strategies during Protracted conflict were described by the Women's Foundation "Sukhumi" (Kutaisi, Tbilisi, Georgia);

 Strategies during Post-war and long-term perspective were based on the experience of the Bosnia-Herzegovina partner. Foundation United Women Banja Luka (Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina)

(A practical guide is available here

A meeting on the issues of migration was held with the members of Tskaltubo Women Initiative Group. The participants learned the meaning of visa-free travel to European countries, what risks accompany illegal migration and what should be considered in order not to be a victim of trafficking. The participants assessed the meeting as necessary and important. On the same day, February 21, a meeting was held with Tskaltubo youth groups. The participants heard information on the issue of professional orientation. Young people evaluated the dialogue positively.

Members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group are preparing to conduct a qualitative research. The participants got acquainted with the focus group and the in-depth interview questionnaire, received instructions regarding the research methodology and distributed the tasks. At the same time, active work is going on with the members of Kutaisi youth club. They are preparing to create a forum theater. They will have to go through several steps. The young people got acquainted with several scenes, heard information about the essence of the Forum Theater and its purpose, and also received a task regarding the creation of a short scenario.

"Evaluation of the quality of human security and gender needs of the population" - a consultation meeting was held with the members of Senaki Women Initiative Group on this topic. Participants were provided with information on research methods and skills. Respondents and target beneficiaries were selected. Expected risks were analyzed together with the facilitators. A meeting was also held with the members of Senaki youth group. The forum-theatre performances conducted by them did not pass without an interesting discussion. The topics of discussion were domestic violence, bullying, the relationship between parents and children. Interaction and discussion on current topics is the main feature of the forum theater, which causes a special interest topwards this format.

The meeting with the Women Initiative Group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality was traditionally interesting. This time the conversation touched on the topic "Assessment of the quality of human security and gender needs of the population". Respondents and target beneficiaries were selected. The project "Bridging the Gap – People to People Initiatives for Conflict Resolution" is implemented with the support of the USAID. At the same time, the youth initiative group of the village Didinedzi formed the forum theater. The group selected a problem, the second stage is the development of the scenario and the last stage is the preparation and rehearsal of the performance. The main goal of the "Forum Theater" is to inform the public and develop the skills of problem-solution based on other people's experiences.

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