On February 14, another online information meeting was held with members of Khoni youth group. What is gender, what does gender equality mean and what can gender inequality cause, what are the most common stereotypes we face in society. The participants talked about these and other topics with the representative of the Fund "Sukhumi".

Here are the participants' views on the issue - gender inequality may lead to:

"Confrontation between the genders"; "Mental and psychological harm to a person"; The stereotypes established today are: - "Men are physically stronger than women"; "A man should bring into the family and a woman should only take care of house"; - "A man knows how to drive a car better than a woman" etc.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Gender and Gender Equality Aspects - This topic was discussed by members of Senaki Youth Group.

"Unequal distribution of roles in the family is directly connected to stereotypes";

"It is necessary to change the way of thinking and break these stereotypes";

"A woman should have the right of choice in the family."

Such positions were recorded by the members of the initiative group.

Also, during the discussion, it was mentioned that violence and aggression against women is related to the neglect of the issue of gender equality in society.

Young people believe that the next generation needs proper information, this issue should be actively discussed in educational institutions in order to break down the harmful stereotypes that recognize only the superiority of men in the family.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Information collection through focus groups and in-depth interviews What difficulties follow this process; What factors contributed to the successful completion of the research; Members of Tskaltubo Women Initiative Group openly assessed the work done. Each speaker talked about how the process was planned and what results were achieved. According to the participants, the facilitation process is accompanied by difficulties, however gained experience and skills helped them to complete the research successfully. "The process was interesting for us as well, because we had direct communication with women and talked about the barriers that hinder the women’s success."


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

We received a lot of valuable experience on how to find the shortest ways to solve the issues of our community!

We have identified the priority issues and set out a strategy on how to start changes.

We have a lot of new ideas, we also outlined the ways to solve them.

We saw our possibilities better.

The members of women initiative group of the village Didi Nedzi evaluate the advocacy training conducted by the Women Fund "Sukhumi". During the online meeting, they were informed about the forms, methods and ways of civil advocacy.

The advocacy strategy and action plan have been developed around one of the priority issues for the community.

They gained experience in how to formulate the main message of advocacy, how to establish effective communication with target groups, how to choose methods.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

What is volunteering?

What benefits does it have?

How to become a volunteer and what do we need to know about it?

These and other questions were answered by Ele Sulakvelidze, a member of Kutaisi initiative group and a participant of the volunteers’ promotion program. An online information meeting was held on February 9. Such initiatives from young people are welcome. It was useful and informative meeting.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The ordinary information meeting was held with the members of the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani of Tsalenjikha Municipality and the villages DidiNedzi and Koki of Zugdidi Municipality.

The meetings were dedicated to the evaluation of the technical side of the research of the project "Barriers and Opportunities for Women's Participation in Socio-Political Life and Economic Activities".

Participants talked about how they planned the research process, what hindering and contributing factors they observed in the work process. Each speaker spoke using their own examples.

They shared the difficulties of working with groups.

They talked about how they were able to record the interview, talking face to face with the respondents.

Participants received advice on the basic principles of facilitation.

The future plans were also discussed with the group members.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Members of Senaki Women Initiative Group talked about the progress of their research at a meeting in February. The analysis of the obtained materials reveals the barriers that hinder the involvement of women in socio-political and economic activities. The participants positively evaluated the experience gained in the process of collecting information. According to them, the skills acquired during the training significantly increased their competence. They noted that properly selected respondents and facilitation skills helped them to obtain the necessary information for the research.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

On February 7, an information meeting was held with the members of Kutaisi Youth Club. Young people were informed about the results of gender inequality: Violence, disagreement, disagreement, fear (mainly when a woman is a violence victim), social problems, as well as a person may have a complex of inferiority.

The participants openly expressed their views:

- "The meeting was interesting with explanation of the issues of gender and gender equality";

- "Women and men are equal in all issues".


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Members of the women initiative group living in a military settlement of Khoni Municipality have successfully completed the process of in-depth interview.

The achievements, challenges and difficulties were discussed at the informational meeting on February 4.

The interviewees mentioned that they had very interesting respondents and shared their emotions with others.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

There are 2 women initiative groups in Khoni municipality.

The focus group process was successful and this was discussed by the members of the Khoni group.

The interviewees noted that the respondents were not only able to express their opinion, but also expressed a desire to join the initiative group.

Also it should be mentioned that the members of Khoni initiative group managed to break the stereotypes of the population and through their activities they were able to change their views on the role of women in the economics and politics.

This is a serious step forward...


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

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