A training with the members of the women initiative group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality, was held on the topic: "Women and youth in peace movement, promoting the implementation of UN resolutions 1325 and 2250". The participants talked about the importance of women's role in peacekeeping activities.

The second part of the training was devoted to the discussion of Resolution 1325. The members of the group worked on the main activities that will contribute to the implementation of Resolution 1325 at the municipal level.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Training was conducted for the youth initiative group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality. The topic of the training was: "Women and youth in the peace movement: promoting the implementation of UN resolutions 1325 and 2250" – discussion of this difficult topic was held on the background of interesting and fun activities. During the training, peace initiatives were discussed.  Children were involved in group work and expressed their opinions on various topical issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" conducted a training for the members of Khoni Youth Club on the topic: "Women and youth in the peace movement, promoting the implementation of 1325 and 2250 UN Resolution". Conversations about such issues as peace and international resolutions were interesting for young people. All participants were actively involved in role-playing games.

Meetings were also held with Khoni women initiative groups. The ladies presented a brief report of the activities, achievements and challenges of the international campaign.

During another meeting, the second group of Khoni women initiative group also discussed the challenges and achievements, as well as the advocacy process. They reviewed the activities connected with the events held within the framework of the 16-day international campaign.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

At their initiative, 12 different, various activities were held. Young people registered their own protest against violence with actions, workshops, debates, films and paintings on the topic of violence.

Members of the women initiative group also actively participated in the campaign. On their initiative, informational meetings on issues of gender violence, family conflicts and early marriage were held in schools of the villages.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Another information meeting was held with the members of Kutaisi women initiative group. The women presented a short report on the activities held within the framework of the international campaign.

The December informational meeting was also held with the members of Kutaisi Youth Club. The young people talked about the important events they have conducted, including the exhibition of paintings according to the activity developed at the civic forum, which was dedicated to the topic of peace.

During the meeting, they reviewed the challenges and achievements, they faced during conducting the 16-day international campaign.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

"Women and youth in the peace movement, promotion of the implementation of 1325 and 2250 UN resolutions" - a training on this topic was held with the members of the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality.

The participants talked about such topics as peace initiatives and the role of women.

The second part of the training was devoted to the discussion of Resolution 1325.

The participants worked and discussed the issues, which will contribute to the implementation of resolution 1325 at the municipal level.

The meeting was also held in the public school No 2 of Pakhulani village - Tsalenjikha municipality. Pupils talked about bullying, conflict and its prevention, ways of solution.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

 According to the participants, listening to successful women and peace initiatives will contribute to the activation of women and promotion of peace issues. What can young people do to establish a culture of peace in their municipalities - the members of Tskaltubo and Senaki youth groups talked about these issue. The meetings in both places were held on the background of discussion, exchange of interesting ideas and discussions about future plans.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The members of women initiative groups of Khoni municipality and Kutaisi discussed the activities developed by the strategy of "Resolution 1325" and noted the necessity and importance of women's involvement. Then they planned events to be held within the framework of the 16-day international campaign. As for the members of Khoni youth group, they actively work to implement the activities developed at the civil forum and play an important role in introducing the culture of peace and restoring trust. For the members of Kutaisi Youth Initiative Group, the training conducted by the representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" on the topic: "Women and youth in the peace movement, promoting the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 and 2250" was particularly interesting.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The members of the Women Initiative Group of the village Pakhulani – Tsalenjikha municipality held a meeting. They informed each other about the importance of peace initiatives for the women living in the villages of the conflict dividing line. The members of the group have already created a peace strategy and the work will continue according to this strategy. "We feel the value of peace the most, because there is a dividing border in front of us. We must work for peace, it is important. This was the general mood of the group members. In the second part of the meeting, the participants discussed the plan of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence. Pakhulani women group will join the global protest against violence with various activities.

Women’s involvement and role of in the peace process, 16-day international campaign against gender –based violence and planned activities - Women Initiative Group of the village Koki – Zugdidi municipality held a meeting on these topics. The activities, developed under the strategy of resolution 1325 were discussed at the meeting. The women initiative group of the village Koki joins the campaign and plans to hold its own activity. Koki young initiative group is also going to plan the events within the campaign.

This was one of the issues they discussed at the meeting. They also discussed the role of youth in peacekeeping, strengthening the social unity and preventing conflicts. It was noted that the youth resource and volunteer activities will contribute to the introduction of the culture of peace and its promotion in the next generation. The members of the youth initiative group of the village Koki discussed the plan of peace activities developed with the involvement of young people.

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