Meetings of Kutaisi initiative groups

  • Wednesday, 24 April 2024
  • 241 times

In frames of exchange meeting format, Kutaisi women initiative group was visited by the members of Khoni. The aim of the meeting was to get to know the members of the group, bring them closer, share information and experience. Women spoke about the problems and needs they advocated. The mentioned format was positively evaluated by the participants. The members of Kutaisi Youth Club discussed two project ideas developed in frames of the grant competition. They got acquainted with the information about the peace initiatives and determined the activities to be implemented within the framework of the project. New members joined the youth club. In the near future, they will start implementing the project and various types of activities financed within the framework of the USAID grant competition. The meeting was hosted by Public School No. 6 of Abkhazia named after Zhuli Shartava.

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