During the meeting of of Zugdidi Women Initiative Group, the technical side of the  women's needs research was assessed. Participants talked about how they planned the process of conducting the research, what happened, what problems they faced and what were the obstacles and the contributing factors during the work.

Each speaker spoke with specific examples: about the difficulties of work, about conducting an interview, a dialogue with a respondent. The group members received advice on the basic principles of facilitation and discussed future plans.

The meetings were held in the Women Initiative Groups of Koki / Khurcha and Zugdidi. An online training was held for the third group of Zugdidi municipality - the youth initiative group of Koki - on the topic “Prehistory of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, its subsequent development and consequences”.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Women initiative groups, organized by the Fund "Sukhumi" are actively involved in advocacy for the problems of IDP women, conflict-affected women, as well as citizens living near the conflict line.

They have a systematic dialogue with local authorities, structures on IDP issues, local and international non-governmental organizations. For the given moment, international organizations have become the "target" of the group members.

Nona Bukia, the leader of the women initiative group of the village Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality), had an opportunity to talk to the UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia Sabina Mahl, who met with representatives of local NGOs, IDP women and conflict-affected women in Anaklia.

The participants of the meeting discussed the problems of women, peace and security, Resolution 1325, localization of 2018-2020 National Action Plan, the involvement of women IDPs and women affected by the conflict in decision-making, peacekeeping and security processes.

The mobilizers of the Women Support Centers held information meetings in Senaki, Samtredia, Tsalenjikha, Chokhatauri and Tkibuli municipalities.

Women – meeting participants in different communities listened to information about victim assistance services, as well as about legal mechanisms, responsible for cases of violence. During the meetings, it is often necessary to record stories that require a response. Based on specific cases, a psychologist and a lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi" are involved in the response process.

Online trainings on: “Problems of tolerance among the youth. Conflict management. Bullying” were held with youth groups of Kobuleti, Tkibuli, Samtredia, Vani and Terjola.

All groups differ from each other, but they are united by the fact that they really like non-formal education, the issues that are discussed. All participants are motivated to get as much information as possible and learn new skills.

There are leaders, who successfully complete their "homework". In May, they held informational meetings with peers on the topics of tolerance, conflict and bullying. Similar meetings are continued ...

In May, the work on the performance "Gvriti" (turtledove) was completed: the dolls were created, text and music were written.

Young actors recorded their roles in the studio. Active rehearsals were held in Kutaisi, Meskhishvili Theater.

The main rehearsal and premiere will take place soon - "Gvriti" prepares for a meeting with the audience.

The forum theater and the shadow theater of the Fund "Sukhumi" have always had a lot of audience. Now the viewer will wait for the performance of the puppet theater with interest.

The third monitoring was completed in Khoni, Bagdati, Terjola, Vani, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti, Tsageri and Ambrolauri municipalities, which assessed the work of local government in terms of efficiency, transparency and inclusiveness. The monitoring was carried out by the Fund "Sukhumi" in partnership with Imereti Scientists’ Union “Spectri” and the Fund of Women Entrepreneurs.

The publication “Public Administration Reform (PAR) Roadmap Monitoring in 8 municipalities of Western Georgia” presents the report of the third monitoring: the progress, achieved  after the second monitoring and recommendations for achieving better quality e-services in local municipalities.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring

On May 14, another final conference was held online with participation of representatives of local self-government.

The project participants shared the experience gained in the process of implementing the “Voter’s Advice Application” and talked about the introduction and use of a similar platform during future elections.

The guests were actively involved in the discussion and expressed their opinions regarding the importance of the application in terms of informing the population and increasing political trust, as well as the need for its introduction during the elections of local self-government and prospects for the future. They also stressed the importance of cooperating with local media.

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The lessons of working on polymer clay in the Day Rehabilitation Center of the Fund "Sukhumi" came to its end. Participants presented products created during the project period. They briefly talked about themselves, about positive results and experiences that they have received in the working process - both in terms of development and personal relationships. The presentation turned out to be impressive and was interesting for the staff of the Fund "Sukhumi".

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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A two-day training was held for the beneficiaries of the Day Rehabilitation Center of the Fund "Sukhumi".  During the training they discussed the status of an individual entrepreneur, calculating the cost of production. They also received information about donor organizations, and where they can participate to receive a grant.

According to participants, the training was useful and fruitful for them, as the knowledge gained will be useful to them in practice.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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Atraining for healthcare personnel from Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti was organized by the Fund “Sukhumi” on August 14-17 in Batumi. The topics of the trainings were: reasons of domestic violence, violence against children, psycho-emotional aspects, prevention of domestic violence, interdepartmental cooperation, legal mechanisms. All important issues that will help to strengthen the healthcare personnel in the management of prevention and response to these cases were discussed.

The work is carried out within the framework of the partnership project “Reinforcing the Domestic Violence Prevention System, Victims Support and Perpetrators Therapy System”.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Human Doc Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs Cooperation Development of Poland

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