“Gender perspectives in local policy” – dialogue in the air of Rdio “Rioni”

Representatives of Kutaisi GAC, Club of Voter Women, Self-government and the fund “Sukhumi” spoke about meaning of local gender policy and cooperation of the GAC with self-government and society in the program of Radio “Rioni”.
What is gender budget and how its importance is realized on the local level, what issues were revealed as a result of the research of gender needs and how the GAC is going to advocate their reflection in the future budget. It was underlined creation and meaning of the GAC network. It was mentioned that the GAC, founded by the fund ”Sukhumi”, showed in practice, how important is to support legislative initiatives by the Parliament. 
Representatives of Kutaisi Sakrebulo positively evaluated cooperation with the GAC: “We are ready to support any kind of interesting initiatives of the GAC, as the GAC sees the problems of citizens and suggests the ways of solution.”
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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