Second training for doctors

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Doctors from different clinics of Kutaisi and the students of medical faculty gathered in the Fund "Sukhumi" for the second training. Work continued on the topic:“The role of medical staff in violence prevention”.

This time the psychologist and the doctor worked with the participants. The following questions were discussed: the theory of the cycle of violence, the phases and stages of cohabitation of victim and rapist, psycho-social portraits of victim and rapist, the first visit of the patient and identification of the victim from the side of the doctor. Specific signs: visible damage of the body and invisible signs.

The cycle of trainings is carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening of medical staff for the protection of violence victims”.

Soon the participants will meet at the third, final training and discuss practical issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

Last modified on Wednesday, 05 December 2018 17:40

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