Training for the representatives of Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Tskaltubo municipalities in Sairme

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Civil forums (in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 of UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”) were held in municipalities of Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha and Tskaltubo. During the forum there were created the working groups of ten people. Mainly for these groups that the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted a training session in Sairme on: “National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 of UN Security Council at the level of local municipalities”.

During the training, participants developed their own vision about the importance of localization of Resolution 1325, the tasks and necessary measures by which social protection and economic strengthening of women and IDP girls and other groups affected by the conflict will be realized in their municipalities, as well as the most important – their direct inclusion in the process of localization of the issues related to women, peace and security.

A “road map” was made for each municipality. Activities were identified with the inclusion of self-government, other local groups. According to the participants of the training, the planned work will contribute to enhancing the human security of women and IDPs girls, affected by the conflict, as well as implementation of their rights.

The project is implemented by Coalition Unity - the Association of IDP Women “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural - Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization
Last modified on Thursday, 13 December 2018 17:12

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