August 12 - International Day of the Youth

On August 12, the world celebrates International Day the Youth.

This day was founded by the resolution of the United Nations Assembly on December 17, 1999 and on August 12, 2000 the civilized world celebrated the International Day of Youth for the first time. The United Nations called on the international community to recognize the intergenerational relationship and solve the problems of people of different ages jointly, to raise the awareness of young people about existing problems, risks and ways to solve them.

This date is specially celebrated by the Fund "Sukhumi", which has been working with young people for a long time and gives great importance to this direction.

The members of the youth initiative groups held information meetings, made presentations, provided their peers with comprehensive information about this important day, showed short films and at the end of the meetings organized a discussion on what challenges the new generation sees in today's reality.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID


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