We are a group of women- internally displaced people (IDPs) who come together to establish a women’s non-governmental organisation in Kutaisi, Western Georgia in October, 1997. Our group was created after the Georgian population had to flee Abkhazia as a result of the armed conflict in 1992-1993. Having become IDPs we encountered a wide range of problems, which could only be solved by uniting and supporting each other. Even though there were other women’s organisations in Kutaisi, we realized that as women- IDPs we had deferent needs and our particular situation was more understandable to women from Abkhazia.

Our organisational mission:
Development of women’s activity through educational, legal, economic, social, cultural activities to increase women’s role in building a democratic society in Georgia, in the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Abkhazia, and achieving economic independence
Our organisational structure:
The Foundation is governed by the Board and its chairperson and is regulated by the charter and internal regulations. The Board is a permanent body consisting of 5 members, who meet quarterly.
There are 28 employees in the organisation, all of whom work passionately with activists and volunteers to show them by example how our organisation makes contribution to the development of civil society and peace. Operational decisions are made by the chairperson of Foundation, whereas strategic decisions are made by the Board and Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the organisation.
The main directions of our organisation’s activity:
- * Woman and gender equality
- * Woman and peacebuilding
- * Woman and non-violent society
- * Work with youth
Types of our organisation’s activity:
- * Civil Education
- * Research
- * Information and Public awareness
- * Advocacy