In youth clubs informational meetings were held on: - women's rights, international instruments UN Resolution 1325.
April 1 - a meeting was held in Khoni Women's Support Centre with participation of 16 young people.
April 1 - school №6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi) - 16 students attended.
April 3 - school №1 Senaki meeting was attended by 22 students.
At the meetings there were: exchange of information, active and open discussions. Young people mentioned their attitude towards the women's rights. The meetings were attended by active members of clubs, volunteers and young participants. They remembered carried out activities (actions: - Georgia without tobacco, friends do not count chromosome, Week of Solidarity women) and planned new activities (day of the Georgian language, environmental action, sporting events).
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)