Verbal and nonverbal communication and its importance in the prevention of violence - these topics were held during informational meetings in youth clubs.
November 3 - Youth Club gathered in school №12 of Poti. Young people had a lot of questions. The interest was great, and they were actively involved in the discussion. School self government got interested in the work of the Fund and promised to often host club members.
November 8 - informational meeting was held at the Women's Support Centre of Kutaisi. 2 of 11 participants attended the first time. Young people talked a lot about communication and virtual social networks. During the discussion there were made examples of proper communication, when the situation does not extend to the conflict.
November 11- Khoni WSC there were 10 attendants. Most of them participated in such meeting for the first time. Therefore, for them all the questions were new. They were less active, but they had a great desire to cooperate. Participants noted that in such activities they feel free space.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)