
Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) has been actively working with local governmental structures.
On May 20, memorandum of cooperation was signed between the GAC and the province of Guria. The joint memorandum was signed by Ozurgeti City Hall, Sakrebulo, Gamgeoba of Ozurgeti municipality and communities.
Governor of Guria - Gia Salukvadze paid attention on the importance of the work in gender direction.
"City Hall of Ozurgeti municipality, is one of the first where gender balance is protected. We will accept any positive initiative and will work with GAC, "- said the Mayor Beglar Sioridze.
Chairman of Sakrebulo - Davit Darchia thanked the GAC for active and necessary work and said: "despite of small budget, we were able to finance several projects. This is a sign that we have gender mainstreaming. We hope we will be an example for other municipalities. "
According to the head of the municipality (Gamgebeli) Merab Chanukvadze, women occupied important positions in the local administration, and very successfully.
"Drawing up a memorandum of cooperation, will give us possibility to do a lot of useful things in the scale of the entire region", - said Lela Natsvaladze, a member of the City Council, Chairman of Ozurgeti GAC.

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality