Two – day conference was held in Tbilisi, which was devoted to introduction of gender equality principles in local self-governments (organizers: UN women organization, women informational center, women fund “Taso”).
The conference was attended by Gender Advisory Councils created by the fund “Sukhumi”. On the first day, the participants discussed necessary institutional mechanisms of gender equality and summed up the results of the project for implementation of the principle of "one window".
On the second day of the conference, special attention was paid to gender-sensitive budgeting. Representatives of the Gender Advisory Councils of Kutaisi, Senaki, Ozurgeti and Batumi shared with participants their experiences on the implementation of gender budgeting and action plans of local gender policies.
It was said that the practice of existing gender advisory councils is the best proof for the timely adoption of prepared legislative changes.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality