Kutaisi GAC was involved in the campaign of 16 active days. On November 25, during the meeting in Sakrebulo, the chairperson of the GAC – Irma Petriashvili familiarized Sakrebulo members with information regarding the beginning of the campaign. Everyone expressed solidarity to the campaign.
On November 27, planned meeting of the GAC began with the information regarding conducting activities in frames of the campaign. On the initiative of the GAC, informational meetings will be held with different services of Sakrebulo, students, lectures, various NGOs.
How is the gender policy reflected in the local budget – GAC members conducted discussions on this issue. The same day there was held a meeting with the head of administrative service of the City Hall. According to him, Kutaisi budget will be gender sensitive and there will be reflected recommendations, elaborated by the GAC.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality