Gender policy plan of Kutaisi GAC, was sent to the City Hall of Kutaisi for discussion. The letter was soon reacted. Council members met the chairperson of administrative service of the City Hall – ZviadJavakhia and his deputy – PikriaKhachapuridze. During the meeting, each recommendations were discussed. Representatives of local government expressed full support to the presented document. According to them consultations with different services will be continued, in order to reflect gender components in local budget of the next year.
Ordinary meeting of Gender Advisory Council began with the analysis of this meeting. The meeting was attended by PikriaKhachapuridze, who became the member of council and will officially take the position of gender advisor.
By the opinion of council members, started work should be continued effectively.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality