In the first district of Ozurgeti - village Nasakirali, representative of the fund “Sukhumi” met repatriant Meskhaetians and familiarized with their problems.
There are lots of problems – resident are worried with unemployment and many other issues.
There is no kindergarten. As for school, Rozeta Skamkochaishvili mentioned that the school will not be open for 30 pupils. Children go to school in near village and are provided by transport.
There are also concrete problems – 45 year old Naili Bitsadze (operated on a leg), takes care of disabled grandpa, who is 87 and lives in damaged house (damaged ladder, windows, ruined ceilling). They have hard situation, but were stopped social allowance. They address the fund Sukhumi“ and Gender Advisory Council for help.

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality